Protect children by giving them a voice

There are several reasons why children disappear.

There are several reasons why children disappear.

Many children in South Africa suffer in silence from abuse and neglect. These children are not just statistics or stories; they are individuals with hopes, dreams and rights.

It is our duty to ensure that their voices are heard, respected and acted upon, stressed Dr Blanché Verster, Head of Social Services at SAVF.

According to the South African Police Service (SAPS) crime statistics for 2023-2024, there were as many as 4,300 cases of kidnapping from July to September 2023, while 293 children and 881 women were murdered in the last quarter of 2023.

Statistics from September 2023 to February 2024 show that 348 children were reported missing across the country. Of those children, 207 were found or returned voluntarily.

Of these reported cases, 141 children are still missing. The names of some of these children are known, such as Joshlin Smit.

Different reasons why children disappear

There are several reasons why children disappear, says Verster.

This includes children who run away from home, usually because of abuse;

children who get lost, such as children with intellectual disabilities;

kidnappings occur such as kidnappings with ransom demands, parental kidnappings and opportunistic kidnappings; and

Human trafficking occurs for a variety of reasons, including sexual exploitation, forced labor, illegal adoptions, organ trafficking, and begging networks.

Trade immediately

When a child is missing, it must be reported to the police immediately. Emphasis on immediately.

Strict investigation protocols are in place to ensure that all police and other involved resources are tactically coordinated.

Case never closed

An investigation into the disappearance of a child should never be ‘closed’ by the police unless the child is found.

South African laws to protect children must be effectively implemented and enforced. These laws must prioritize listening to children’s experiences. Listening to children is crucial because it empowers them and helps us understand their needs.

When children know they are being heard, they feel more confident. Listening ensures that our help is effective and tailored to their specific situations.

Cultural norms and societal attitudes often prevent children from speaking out. Fear of not being believed or fear of retaliation can silence them.

Know your child

Parents and caregivers need to talk to their children, not just about them.

Make an effort to get to know your child’s friends – know their names, addresses and phone numbers. Be involved in your child’s life, but don’t force it.

Build a relationship of trust and create a homely environment where they want to be and bring their friends.

Professionals should ensure that the conversation takes place in a private, safe, and comfortable environment where the child feels safe. Give the child your full attention, show that you are listening and that their words are important. Validate the child’s feelings and experiences without judgment or disbelief.

The child’s voice is a powerful tool in the fight against abuse and neglect. It is a voice that demands to be heard, respected and acted upon.

By listening to and amplifying these voices, we not only protect our children, but also create the path for a future where they can grow up free from fear and danger.

SAVF aims to be the champion children need, and ensure their voices lead us to a safer and more compassionate South Africa.

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