Sheriff in Harris ad criticizes ‘misleading’ content

A California sheriff has expressed frustration over his appearance in a Harris campaign ad, calling it “misleading information” and saying he does not support the Democratic presidential candidate.

“In light of a recent political ad by Kamala Harris featuring Sheriff Boudreaux and other local law enforcement officials, the Sheriff wants to make it clear that his likeness is being used without his permission and that he is NOT endorsing Harris for president or any other political office,” the Sheriff said in a statement to Fox News.

Boudreaux, Tulare County sheriff, said the campaign ad contained “misleading information.”

“In the ad, Harris claims he spent decades fighting violent crime as a ‘border state prosecutor.’ The fact is that ‘then-California Attorney General Kamala’ came to the Valley in 2014 with the message that he had spent years investigating a multinational drug trafficking ring with ties to Mexican drug cartels and prison gangs,” he said.

“The truth is Harris never cared about the cartels and did nothing to stop people from crossing the border illegally,” added Boudreaux, who called Harris’ visit “smoke and mirrors.”

“We were in the green room. She never came in and said hello to any of us. She walked up, gave her press conference, literally walked away and never said hello to any of us,” the sheriff described. “I’m disgusted because, you know, she didn’t shake hands. She didn’t say hello. And she took credit for all the work that the locals did.”

The sheriff noted that “if you do a little bit of research, you’ll find that what she (Harris) is promoting is completely contrary to what was happening at the time.” He emphasized that when he saw himself in the ad, he “got really upset” and again called the ad “smoke and mirrors.”

“I don’t support her,” Boudreaux said.

Boudreaux went on to tell Fox News that “it was really disheartening to see my face and my image, along with my law enforcement colleagues, standing next to Kamala Harris. We do not support Kamala Harris.”

Golden State Justice, Boudreaux’s political action committee, said in a statement shared on Facebook: “While Attorney General Kamala Harris undermined the efforts of California law enforcement to stop criminals from flooding our state with guns and drugs across the border.”

“She has repeatedly dismantled and shut down task forces meant to protect our residents, leaving the Valley and our state vulnerable,” the statement continued. “Kamala’s dismal attempt to portray herself as a tough guy on the border by implying that I support her — and the support of neighboring law enforcement leaders — is pathetic.”

“A politician taking the stage at a press conference clearly hasn’t solved our border crisis. Neither has Kamala Harris,” it concludes.

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