Venezuela’s attorney general confirms 25 dead in opposition violence

This Monday, Venezuela’s Attorney General Tarek William Saab confirmed that 25 people had died in the violent events that followed the presidential elections on July 28. The two regions with the most deaths were Caracas and Aragua, with seven deaths in each. He attributed the deaths to the “assignments“organized by the opposition. The executive vice-president, Delcy Rodríguez, also presented reports on the subject.

Before the National Defense Council and the Council of State, AG Saab gave a detailed report on the investigations that the Public Prosecutor’s Office had started on Sunday, July 28, when “the origins of a plan that the right had already announced with criminal and violent actions began to be felt, after Edmundo González and María Corina Machado ignored the election results.”

A total of 686 expert reports were drawn up during the investigations, including 532 criminal reports and 92 forensic reports. “We can say, and it is a definitive conclusion, that so far all these deaths can be attributed to criminal groups that are the so-called assignments.”

The wounded
He said that 192 people were injured as a result of the action of violent groups. These people were injured with firearms, knives, blunt objects and firebombs. Of the injured, “more than half, 97, belong to the State Security Forces: 58 to the Bolivarian National Police, 32 to the Bolivarian National Guard, six to the State Police and one to the Scientific Police.”

He added that his office has 170 videos with the corresponding expert reports. AG Saab noted that 68% of the murders (17 cases) took place between 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on Monday, July 29. He also pointed out that criminal gangs linked to drug trafficking were involved.

Saab reported that five prosecutors with full national jurisdiction have been appointed for the investigation.

The deceased
Attorney General Tarek William Saab displayed a gallery of photos of people who died on July 29 and 30.

Emblematic cases: Mayauri Coromoto Silva Vielma
Attorney General Tarek W. Saab pointed to the case of Mayauri Coromoto Silva Vielma, 49 years old, who worked as a street and UBCh chief in her sector and worked in the office of the mayor of Mariño in the state of Aragua. On August 3, she was returning home in Turmero after participating in a march in support of the government, together with her daughter, granddaughter and neighbors, when she was intercepted by Raifer Eduardo Seijas, who shot her three times and then fled on a motorcycle with the help of two people.

Investigations have shown that the killers acted under the payment of Fernando Venancio Martínez. He lives in the same sector of Silva and constantly threatened neighbors to take over land and expand his crops, which is why he had constant problems with Mayauri, who prevented him from taking over areas.

When Raifer Eduardo Seijas was arrested, he stated that Fernando Venancio Martinez paid them to kill Mayauri, and that they called him to warn him when the now deceased left the march. Five arrest warrants were issued. The author of the material, the intellectual author and the informants were arrested.

GNB Sergeant José Torres
In Maracay, Sergeant José Torres went to maintain public order in Maracay (Aragua state) when terrorist groups shot at public officials. Torres was shot in the neck and died. During the autopsy, a .22 caliber bullet from the body was found in the second cervical vertebra.

There was video of the incident and a civilian later identified as Reiner José Márquez Velásquez, who is seen with a firearm, was identified. Subsequent testimonies provided further evidence of his responsibility for Torres’ death. Reiner Márquez is in custody and is facing the maximum sentence.

GNB Yorman Martinez
Another case mentioned by AG Saab was that of GNB official Yorman Martínez. On July 30, Carlos Alexander Carreño, under the influence of alcohol and out of intolerance and hatred, “explicitly and with premeditation ran over Yorman Martínez, who was carrying out patrol actions on a motorcycle in Porlamar.” Carreño was arrested by security forces.

Cirila Gil in El Callao
Tarek William Saab also pointed out the case of Cirila Gil in El Callao, Bolivar state, who was murdered. Saab also noted the cases of two young men in El Valle (Caracas) who were murdered by alleged members of the El 70 gang.

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AG Saab said the terrorist groups had caused damage to:

  • 21 primary schools
  • 7 schools for early childhood education
  • 34 secondary schools
  • 12 universities
  • 10 CNE headquarters in as many states
  • 10 PSUV Headquarters
  • The headquarters of the Ministry of Housing and Habitat
  • Municipalities such as Carirubana, Quíbor and Sotillo, among others
  • 11 Caracas Metro Facilities
  • A train in Valencia
  • 38 bus units
  • 12 patrol cars destroyed
  • 15 motorcycles
  • 6 Comprehensive Diagnostic Centers (CDIs)
  • A health center
  • 30 outpatient clinics
  • A mobile pharmacy
  • 6 food storage centers
  • 10 police command headquarters
  • A radio station
  • 27 monuments and statues, including those of the liberator Simón Bolívar, Hugo Chávez, Caacique Coromoto, José Gregorio Hernández and squares
  • 25 domains of various state institutions, including the Patria system

Saab’s reports show national and international organizations that these were not isolated events and that the violence was the result of opposition actions following the announcement of the election results.

“Measures were taken to prosecute and eradicate the perpetrators. Chavismo and try to exterminate people because of their political affiliation,” Saab said. “The coordinated actions of the state forces were able to suppress these terrorist actions.”

The Vice Presidency also presented reports
On the other hand, the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, stressed on Monday during the same meeting that one of the main objectives of the fascist plan, promoted by the far right in the country after the presidential elections, was to attack officials of the State Security Service.

Rodríguez presented a report on the care of victims of the fascist events that took place this year. “There were 131 wounded: 88% are men and 74% of the wounded were officials of state agencies. In other words, the strategic objective of the plan was to attack police, civilians and military officials,” explained Vice President Rodríguez, who indicated that they will soon meet with the Attorney General’s office to compare figures and data.

She also pointed out that the Capital District suffered the most deaths, victims of fascist violence in the days following the presidential election. The victims were between 15 and 29 years old, mostly security officials.

UN Fact Finding Mission
In this context, Attorney General Saab condemned the so-called “UN Fact-Finding Mission”, an informal body that aims to accuse the South American nation of massive human rights violations based on false information posted on a website.

“We are going to pre-qualify very important crimes… pre-qualify manslaughter with treason for useless and ignoble reasons, illegal possession of weapons, criminal association and terrorism,” he warned.

(Alba City)

Translation: Orinoco Tribune


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