Islam and the Future of the West


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DAVID SOLWAY | 2:11 PM ON AUGUST 10, 2024 

AP Photo/Fareed Khan

You shall conquer many lands and Allah will grant you victory over your enemies in battle, but none of you should stop practicing for war.

                                                                         Sahih Bukhari (Hadith), MO20, 4712

He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him.

                                                                                              Ezekiel 33:5

 In End of the World: Civilization and Its Fate, philosopher Jon Mills reflects on the Taliban attack with machine guns and explosives on a school in Peshawar, in which 132 schoolchildren were slaughtered. The act is almost incomprehensible. “The immediate dislocation of understanding any rational means behind such atrocities,” he writes “is emotionally unfathomable for the simple fact that it disrupts our psychic need for a moral order in the universe.” It represents a “pathological breach” in our implicit conviction that we live in a civilized world. “It takes only one act of barbarism,” he concludes, “to remind us that evil is no illusion.” Of course, the single act of barbarism can be and is multiplied exponentially all over the world every moment of the day, but there exists one world-historical belief system in which such occasions are both justified and mandated. 

Any reading of the Koran, as Robert Spencer, Raymond Ibrahim, Ali Sina, Ibn Warrak, Rebecca Bynum, and a host of other excellent scholars make abundantly clear, will reveal ayah after ayah commanding acts of grotesque violence against unbelievers. The reward for the martyrs who have been slain in service to Allah will be peace, loveliness, and virgins with pear-shaped breasts, as stipulated variously in Sura 44:45-55 and 78:31-36 of the Koran.

The Taliban killers said they were justified in committing so feral and heinous an act as payback for the harms they themselves had unjustifiably endured. What we are witnessing, however, is an expression of what Mills calls the “ethics of evil,” which is nothing less than “the justification of self-righteousness while perpetrating evil under the guise of moral superiority.” As noted, such an attitude is legislated in the Koran. The acts of barbarism associated with the faith are legend and legendary, today as in the past. 

The internal wars and televised beheadings of ISIS are no exception to the rule. The hecatomb of innocents carried out by Boko Haram in Nigeria is no exception to the rule. The bombings and destruction perpetrated in major cities across the world are no exception to the rule. The killings in cold blood in newspaper offices and musical performances are no exception to the rule. The more than 200,000 terror attacks since 1970 are no exception to the rule. The October 7 incursion of Hamas terrorists into Israel, the massacre of over 1200 civilians, the burning and beheading of babies, the rape and murder of young girls, the seizure and murder of hostages, is Peshawar many times over. A Hamas murderer standing amidst the carnage and bragging to his parents over his iPhone, “Look how many I killed with my own hands! Your son killed Jews! Mom, your son is a hero,” is another instance of the pathological breach in the plasm of human expectation. He is following and exulting in the ayat: Seize him and drag him into the midst of Hell! Then pour over his head the suffering of the Inferno! (Koran 44:47,48).

My argument is by no means unique. As the great historian Jacob Burckhardt observed, Islam “spread not by mission but by conquests,” which is how it differs from the two Abrahamic faiths. The first Muslim conquest dates from 633 A.D. and continues throughout Eastern and European history to the final dissolution of the Ottoman Empire in 1922, as documented by Gábor Ágoston in his fascinating chronicle The Last Muslim Conquest: The Ottoman Empire and Its Wars in Europe. The internecine savagery and militant belligerence did not end with an empire but continued onto the global stage in many different countries, including America. “The borders of Islam are bloody,” wrote Samuel Huntington, a fact which the political and historical registers have confirmed. And the warrant for such savage and impenitent violence is found squarely in the pages of the Koran and much of the ancillary literature, such as the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad contained in the Hadith, the Sirah and the Sunnah.

Apart from reading the Koran for oneself in any of a multitude of translations, as any serious person is constrained to do, one would do well to consult Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now. “Let me make my point in the simplest possible terms,” she writes, “Islam is not a religion of peace. Islamic violence is rooted not in social, economic, or political conditions—or even in theological error—but rather in the foundational texts of Islam itself.”

“It is foolish to insist,” she continues, “as our leaders habitually do, that the violent acts of radical Islamists can be divorced from the religious ideals that inspire them. Instead, we must acknowledge that they are driven by a political ideology, an ideology embedded in Islam itself.” There is neither time nor room for ignorance and temporizing. “It simply will not do for Muslims to claim that their religion has been ‘hijacked’ by extremists. The killers of IS and Boko Haram cite the same religious texts that every other Muslim in the world considers sacrosanct.” As Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan categorically stated: “There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.” Islam is a reform-proof religion. Pretending this is not so is like people with eye problems who mistake a fly for a floater. 

But now all we hear about is the suffering of the people of Gaza. We condemn the Israelis for defending their country and attacking the aggressor Hamas in its home base, as if there were another alternative. We accept Hamas’ inflated statistics of civilian suffering as gospel although their own scripture recommends the practice of taqiya—or strategic lying—as permissible when the situation requires it. Students, who are distinguished as much by their utter ignorance of geography and history as by their decibel stridency, take over university campuses in demonstrations that support a terrorist organization and the atrocities it commits. I have just received a circular from the Simon Wiesenthal Center copying an applauded speech of an imam in a local mosque, a short driving distance from my home: “O Allah, act with cruelty against the Jews, plundering Zionists, Christians, and those who aid them…Count them, kill them one by one.” This, of course, is pure hate speech, but it will be passed off as Islamic doctrinal exegesis. It’s in the Koran, after all.

That Gazans have been abused and deceived by their leaders is provably true. That they have been exploited and deprived by the Israelis is provably false. The problem, it has been said, is that this is a people several generations steeped in professional hate, self-proclaimed victimhood, and grifting leaders, so much so that no country—Middle East or otherwise—wants them. Except Canada. And that is why I write, not only as a grateful scion and beneficiary of Western civilization, but quite humbly as a Canadian. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to import 5000 Gazans, an initiative that argues for a further upsurge in antisemitism, more disruptive pro-Palestinian demonstrations and certainly even more dereliction of duty by the police and political officials who will turn a blind eye to the Muslim-inspired breakdown of public order lest they be considered racist.

Clearly, these are not a people who are likely to assimilate into the culture or share the values and traditions that made Canada what it is—or was. From the data furnished by every Western nation that has welcomed a growing Muslim cohort in its midst, we can expect only resentment, tribal conflicts, sporadic violence and a massive drain on the nation’s resources and finances. Catherine Salgado at PJ Media writes: “it is a simple fact, with many examples in history to prove that whenever any country has a strong enough minority or a majority Muslim population, it will inevitably devolve into tyranny and violence.” To expect otherwise is to live in a utopian dream world that reality always puts the lie to. (Unless, of course, such populations are regarded as reliable vote packers for the incumbent party.)

We note the stabbings, rapes, and physical attacks proliferating in European countries, in particular France, Germany and the U.K., that have opened their doors to the influx of what many people have come to regard as inferior cultures. We see that the sun is now setting on an empire on which, as the slogan goes, the sun never sets. It is a country in its death throes. We note the tumult, foul play and escalating crime in Muslim-hosting countries like France and Sweden with their sharia courts, roaming gangs of groomers, thugs, rapists, and thieves, and proliferating no-go zones. We observe the “two-tier justice” practiced by the authorities and their media henchmen who denounce their working populations as “far right” and protect the rampaging mobs of foreign “guests” and refugees. Western governments have begun to act like totalitarian regimes that suppress their own citizens as pernicious radicals. 

Indeed, the “Regime” believes that ordinary white citizens and working-class people are the problem—not jihadists, Pakistani groomers, rampaging Muslim mobs, “undocumented” refugees, Palestinian demonstrators, or foreign criminal gangs. Heritage citizens are, apparently, the greatest threat to the status quo, purveyors of “disinformation,” by which the social and political elite mean what Steve Sailer in an important book has called “Noticing”—that is, seeing what is happening around one and to the culture by using common sense and honest observation. 

Thus, to say what you have noticed—and suffered—is to be guilty of disinformation, racism, bigotry or hate speech. To look the reality of immigrant and refugee violence in the face, to confront visibly corrupt two-tier policing, media duplicity, and Regime hypocrisy, and to describe it accurately is to be tarred by the state as a far-right extremist, a hooligan, a fascist or a white supremacist. You are clearly a hater who needs to be confined or banished from respectable society, when of course the real haters are those in power who hate their country, their fellow citizens of a conservative persuasion (aka the “far right”), their salt-of-the-earth tradespeople, and the principles of a democratic polity.

Nonetheless, objecting to Muslim-inspired violence destabilizing the democratic balance of Western nations, just as objecting to the wholesale importation of 5000 Gazans to swell Canada’s Muslim population, is a sensible and even patriotic act. Writing in the Western Standard, Herb Pinder argues that there are already too many “Palestinian immigrants…illegally occupying public spaces at universities and elsewhere and attacking our fellow Jewish Canadians. Is it acceptable or smart to welcome those who soon demand outcomes potentially detrimental to historical Canadian political, democratic, religious, and economic values?” Pinder has no doubt that Trudeau’s latest gambit “is a current example of new immigrants transporting past country issues into Canada. Gaza issues are complex, perhaps even intractable, but should not play out with newcomers attacking (sometimes even physically) citizens of Canada.” 

It is important to note that the Islamic invasion and subjugation of the West need no longer proceed via military conquest. A new tactic will be far more successful and can be accomplished with the complicity of Western leaders and intelligentsia, namely incremental immigration as documented in the Muslim Brotherhood’s Explanatory Memorandum—document 16 of which reads that “the civilizational-jihadist process…is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house,” PaceBurckhardt, “mission” has replaced “conquest.” Novels like Jean Raspail’s The Camp of the Saints(1973) and Michael Houellebecq’s Submission (2015) are alarmingly premonitory. Their warnings are coming to pass with iron predictability

Far too many of us have embraced the sedatives and platitudes of multiculturalism, until a moment comes when we are abruptly made aware and taken aback by an alien and unaccommodating presence, one that has been metastasizing for decades while we voluntarily turned a blind eye. Our political leaders and media apparatchiks are wholly on board with the subversion of their own nations, which they now betray with impunity. We recall that Harvard Kennedy School professor Erica Chenoweth proposed what is called the “3.5% Rule,” that is, it takes only 3.5 percent of a given population to ignite a revolution. Chenoweth is concerned mainly with civil resistance, but active and violent revolutions can also be triggered by a minuscule proportion of a population. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, for example, featured numbers that were statistically insignificant, yet brought into being one of the most monstrous regimes in history, which lasted for over 70 years. 

According to verifiable census figures, Muslims make up 6 percent of the population in England, approximately 7 percent in Germany, 10 percent in France, 8.1 percent in Sweden and 4.9 percent in Canada. Peter Hammond in Slavery, Terrorism and Islam has canvassed approximately 50 countries on four continents and done the math. He finds that 10 percent of the census is the tipping point when societies begin to unravel and countries lose their national character, though, as remarked, 6 percent is more than adequate to the task. We appear to be in process of interiorizing the forced pledge from the Pact of Umar (637 A.D.): We shall open our gates. We shall give board and lodging to all Muslims

The writing is on the wall. To think that social upheaval and a radical takeover of both the cultural norms and the apparatus of the state can’t happen here is the summit of naivety. It is happening as we speak, in Europe and in my own country, as the demographic incursion continues. It is only fair to acknowledge that Canada’s immigration minister Mark Miller, bowing to public pressure against uncapped immigration programs and the damaging impact of ever-surging levels, has announced a two-year seal on international students and Canada’s first-ever lid on temporary immigration. But—and it’s a big but—the government also intends to pursue “a regularization program to give status to undocumented residents” and has signaled no effort to cut back on Muslim immigration. The new “suite of measures” is largely cosmetic.

I ask myself if our prime minister knows what he is doing. I fear that he does.  

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David Solway is a Canadian poet, songwriter, and essayist. His most recent book is “Crossing the Jordan: on Judaism, Islam, and the West.” He has also released two CDs of original songs, “Blood Guitar” and “Partial to Cain.” Solway lives in Vancouver with his wife, author and video content creator Janice Fiamengo.

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Author: brianpeckford

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