Evidence of the mafia state is everywhere

Evidence of the mafia state is everywhere
When the Rraja gang brutally attacked civilians in Fushë Krujë with guns and sticks last summer, the state police covered up the incident for more than two weeks. In all likelihood, the brutal crime would never have become public if the perpetrators had not shared the self-filmed video to satisfy their perverted egos. It was only after footage of the horrific violence went viral on social media that the police felt compelled to report the incident.

But the Kruja incident is not the only case in which the state becomes a party to the crime against its victims. This month alone, there have been two other incidents in which the state police have allegedly done the same thing again. The first was a jet ski murder in the south that was initially reported as a natural death. While the second case is the murder a few days ago in Pogradec, where the police first hid and then lied.

There have been hundreds of such events in Albania in recent years. Concealment of crimes to protect the perpetrator (Rrajat), alienation or concealment of evidence from the Prosecutor (the Elbasan campaign event) or softening of charges and circumventing the law in the courts (the Vlora and Pogradec events).

All these cases have one thing in common. The criminal is always part of the integral equipment of power. Relatives of MPs, children of judges, and even sorrollops of peripheral directors of state agencies. They all hold before the law the shield of Rilindash Shtet or the Renaissance State, which makes them invulnerable to the rule of law.

Academics and prestigious international institutions that study the organizational forms of societies classify Albania as a transitional hybrid regime or hybrid democracy. But in fact there is a much more appropriate term to describe today’s Albania. It is the Pakhanate or mafia state.

In politics, a khanate is a state system in which the government is linked to organized crime to the extent that government officials, the police, and even the military become an essential part of the criminal enterprise, making it impregnable to the law. In this case, the symbiosis is perfect, since crime has both the stone and the nut. It rapes and covers up the incident. It kills and destroys evidence. It exercises terror and circumvents the law in court.

Unlike dictatorial regimes where violence is carried out vertically from top to bottom and concentrated in the hands of institutions, in mafia states it is more widespread. In Kruja, relatives of the deputy are brutally raped. In Vlora, a policeman kills you with a speedboat. In Laprakë, you are murdered and even the evidence is fabricated. In Pogradec, the grandson of the director fines you for the daily turnover of the company and then kills you. In short, every power cell and its extension, even peripheral ones, functions as a criminal syndicate.

And for those who still think that these events are coincidental and the definition of Albania as a mafia state is exaggerated, the answer can be found in the transcripts of the SKY ECC intercepts. Inside is the best photo of the pakhanate that Rilindja installed in Albania.

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