International Health Partners Safeguarding Action Group: Embedding a culture of prioritising protection

In the complex landscape of international health and humanitarian assistance, protection is more than a procedural necessity; it is a fundamental obligation to ensure the safety and dignity of all we come into contact with.

Recognising the importance of safeguarding, International Health Partners (IHP) established the Safeguarding Action Group, an internal body dedicated to embedding a robust safeguarding culture within the organisation. We wanted to ensure that the group was both purposeful in its ambition, yet practical in its approach to balance with our day-to-day work.

Establishment and design

The Safeguarding Action Group was born out of a strategic vision to improve safeguarding practices within IHP. Understanding the urgent need for a structured approach, we set about assembling a diverse but relevant team of stakeholders who could champion this cause across different facets of the organisation. The group comprises the CEO, who acts as the safeguarding leader, alongside the Communications Director, Programme Director and Compliance Manager. It is critical to ensure that the right and relevant people are at the table to provide a comprehensive perspective on safeguarding issues and practices, and to embed this practically across the organisation at a team level.

The initial set-up involved defining clear objectives and creating a framework that would guide our activities. Our primary goals were to implement better safeguarding practices across the organisation, establish a clear and accessible reporting process, keep the board actively informed and involved and develop comprehensive training materials and sessions for both trustees and staff. The group reports to the board through the Governance Risk Management Committee (GRMC), with the board and GRMC agenda including a standing safeguarding agenda item

Key Results

Embedding better protection practices

We strive to integrate safeguarding into every aspect of our organisational culture. This includes developing policies and procedures that are not only comprehensive but also user-friendly and accessible to staff, trustees and our partners.

Clear reporting processes

Transparency and clarity in reporting protection concerns are paramount. We have worked to create simple reporting mechanisms that encourage prompt and accurate reporting, ensuring that every concern is taken seriously and addressed efficiently.

Board involvement

A top-down approach to safeguarding was essential. By keeping the board informed and involved, we ensure that safeguarding is prioritised at the highest levels of decision-making, reflecting its importance in our organisational ethos. We have appointed a trustee safeguarding leader and provide periodic safeguarding training to all trustees.

Training and documentation

We have focused on creating clear, accessible training materials and processes. These resources are designed to educate and empower our staff and trustees, ensuring everyone is well informed about our safeguarding policies and practices.

Performance and impact

Action plan and accountability

We developed a comprehensive action plan with specific timelines and designated owners for each task. This plan has been instrumental in driving accountability and ensuring that safeguards are effectively implemented. Our initial goals were quickly achieved and we have now entered a phase of continuous improvement and learning.

Stakeholder representation

The composition of the group reflects a broad spectrum of perspectives within IHP. This inclusive approach ensures that protection is viewed from multiple angles, leading to more robust and rounded practices.

Training and induction period

Safeguarding training is now a core part of our staff induction process. Every employee is required to read our safeguarding processes and undergo training upon joining, with bi-annual refresher courses to keep knowledge up to date.

Maintaining the group

To keep the momentum going, we focus on continuous learning and resource sharing. Each member of the group is responsible for bringing new insights and resources to our discussions. We actively participate in networks such as Bond and the Integral Alliance, which provide valuable opportunities for peer learning and keep us informed of best practices and emerging trends in protection.

Feasibility and efficiency

One of the strengths of our Safeguarding Action Group is its efficiency and usability. The group meets quarterly, a frequency that balances the need for regular monitoring with the demands of our busy schedules. Should a safeguarding concern arise, we are of course prepared to meet more frequently to address the issue promptly.

Clear actions with achievable timelines are established after each meeting, so that responsibilities are well-defined and manageable. Meetings are designed to be concise and focused, to make the most of our time together and maintain a clear direction for our efforts.

The establishment of the Safeguarding Action Group at International Health Partners was a transformative step in embedding a culture of safeguarding within our organisation. Through clear and realistic objectives, inclusive representation, continuous learning and a practical approach, we have made significant strides in ensuring the safety and dignity of all those we work with.

The success of this group underscores the importance of protection as a core priority for the organization, demonstrating that with commitment and collaboration, meaningful change is both achievable and sustainable.

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