US tries to stop Iran from retaliating


The Washington Post is belligerent against Iran.

The CIA’s informal spokesman, David Ignatius, claims today that Iran plans to assassinate American politicians:

Tehran has been plotting a violent campaign of retaliation against the United States for years. Iran has since repeatedly attempted assassinations in the United States, without success, according to Justice Department documents.

Iran has used a similar methodology in most of these attacks. Iranians or their agents traveling to Iran have attempted to recruit hitmen from gangs or criminal groups. They have used elaborate trafficking techniques to avoid detection in the United States, but in each case they have ended up in the hands of the FBI.

Or the FBI found some idiots who fell for plots to set them up…

Another one WaPo story claims Iran wants to interfere in US elections:

National security officials and researchers noted an increase in “troublesome” Iranian influence operations aimed at interfering in the US presidential race.

The Trump campaign claims that Iranian hackers leaked documents to media organizations, but no evidence has been found.

… In its recent report, Microsoft highlighted four websites it said were secretly run by Iran and posing as legitimate news organizations that published articles on controversial topics, including the presidential election, LGBTQ+ rights and Israel’s military campaign in Gaza.

These claims are just as nonsense as the previous round about Russian interference in the US election.

Every time this kind of propaganda surfaces, it is a sign that the US is preparing for a conflict.

I doubt the US wants a war with Iran though. The news about US ships and planes moving to the Middle East is just trying to scare Iran into not attacking Israel.

But Tehran will not do that. With the assassination of Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh, Israel killed a foreign host state of Iran within Iran.

It showed that Israel is not deterred from such acts. If Iran leaves this without consequences, Israel will start assassinating Iranian politicians left and right. It is therefore determined to take revenge:

Fereshteh Sadeghi فرشته صادقی @fresh_sadegh – 13:53 UTC · Aug 14, 2024


1- Iran’s leader Ayatollah Khamenei is determined to punish Israel for the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. In a meeting on Wednesday, he said that “non-tactical withdrawal in any area – be it military, political or economic – will incur divine wrath.”

2- Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says that Iran’s enemies are trying to pull back the Iranian nation by instilling fear in them through psychological warfare.

“Since the beginning of our revolution, they have instilled in us the fear of the US, the UK and the Zionist regime.”

3- The leader of Iran says: “By instilling fear and waging psychological warfare, the enemy wants to force us to retreat. Our nation knows that it can do great things simply by trusting itself and believing that the enemy does not have the upper hand because it pretends to be superior.” @khamenei_ir – 12:47 UTC · Aug 14, 2024

The enemy’s goal in using psychological warfare on the military front is to spread fear and force a retreat. The Quran tells us that a non-tactical retreat in any area, be it military, political or economic, will bring divine wrath.

4- That being said, the Ayatollah has already announced a severe punishment for the Zionist regime of Israel.

By speaking like this, he is literally indicating that Iran will experience the wrath of Allah if it does not respond to Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians or fulfill its promise of revenge.

What Iran will do and when is of course the question on everyone’s mind. There will be no answer until Iran strikes.

Just waiting has an effect:

As our nation waits passively for two weeks to see if, when and how destructively Iran and Hezbollah will choose to attack us, to ‘avenge’ the assassinations of two terrorist leaders bent on our destruction, We Israelis feel like the hapless, helpless playthings of other, more powerful forces. This is not an acceptable situation for the revived Jewish nation. And it highlights the untenable lack of a strategy by our leaders to restore national security, more than 10 months after the Hamas invasion, massacre and kidnappings on October 7.

Will Israel respond to whatever Iran does?

If Israel decides to do so and serious damage occurs, the war will escalate into a conflict that Israel will not survive, even with American help.

Reprinted with permission from Moon of Alabama.

The post US tries to stop Iran from retaliating appeared first on LewRockwell.

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