England is dead – America is next

The protests initially started peacefully, but turned violent, possibly after the intervention of agents provocateurs?

Conrad Rook – Aug 14, 2024

It really pains me to write these words and even to think these thoughts. But for all practical purposes, that beautiful country that was once the cultural hub of Western civilization and enlightenment—England—is now overrun by the woke virus of cultural Marxism. England is dying and will soon be dead.

Anyone who has ever made more than a cursory study of “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” must be astounded by the prophetic insights revealed in that document. While apologists bleat that it is nothing more than a forgery by the Russian Imperial Police cobbled together for the Russian Revolution, this grisly blueprint for societal collapse continues to cast its deathly pale glow over our culture’s “progress” toward disintegration.

One of the most important principles of The Protocols is the relationship of the political authorities and the police to the population at large. The main thrust of this relationship is that the “Powers That Be” behind the scenes, the nameless and unknown faces who really run and control the government, have embarked on a course of “progressive” demoralization of the pillars of society. In other words, the anchors of all English culture—Family, Church, Religion, and Cultural Institutions—must be visibly corrupted and vilified in order to create a sense of helplessness, hopelessness, and despair.

How is this to be accomplished? In the case of Europe in general, and England in particular, it has been done and continues to be done through mass, legal and illegal “immigration” and the injection of people whose cultures and values ​​are often diametrically opposed to traditional English Christian values.

To increase the desperation and further undermine society, it is necessary that both the political class, the authorities and their accomplices (the police) invariably side with the criminal – rapist, mugger, thief, murderer – in almost every conflict or encounter with the native population of England.

The pretext used to justify this demoralizing process is the diversionary tactic of “racism.”

You see, it is “racist” to object to the stabbing to death of three young girls and the serious injury of several others by a young maniac who happens to be non-white and Muslim. It is “racist” to object to Pakistani gangs raping and prostituting eleven-year-old English girls with threats of violence and beheading. It is “racist” to object to No-Go zones in your own country, where Sharia law is enforced de facto, if not de jure.

I first saw this many years ago when a homeowner in England was confronted by a violent criminal who had invaded his family’s home and property. The homeowner shot, but did not kill, the intruder, thus protecting his wife and children. But instead of being hailed as a hero, he was vilified in the press, dragged into court, and prosecuted as an outrageous example of a man who “took the law into his own hands.”

In other words, it is somehow wrong to resist a mugging, especially if the perpetrator happens to be non-Christian and a POC (person of “color”).

Unfortunately, this same mental virus has found a home in America, and the “authorities” respond with the same hypocrisy when it comes to protecting one’s home and hearth. Recently in East Tennessee, an illegal immigrant armed with an assault rifle entered the backyard of a family having a barbecue to celebrate their four-year-old daughter’s birthday. Fortunately, the young girl’s father immediately understood the threat, tackled the man, and subdued him with sufficient force.

Amazingly, the homeowner has just been arrested for ‘assault’, but the illegal migrant has been released on bail!

Today in England we see the henchmen of political authority using the police force – the once respected English “Bobby” – to kick down the doors of suspicious posters on the internet who dare to notice and object to the violence in their community, which is largely perpetrated by a section of the community.

We have now entered the arena of punishable “thought crimes.” The way someone thinks and expresses thoughts and emotions online is now not only censored, but also prosecuted in criminal courts with severe prison sentences.

The mere mention of individuals who are not white or Christian engaging in criminal activity immediately draws accusations of “racism.”

Now, we are not talking about inciting violence or hatred against others who are not Christian or non-white. We are talking about simply establishing a FACT: that people of different religious and racial backgrounds largely commit certain criminal acts. Simply establishing that FACT exposes one to prosecution for establishing reality!

Coudenhove Kalergi quote. Click to enlarge

All of this was of course predicted in the Coudenhove-Calergi Plan, initiated by Count Coudenhove-Calergi in the 1930s. The plan was to destroy Europe and its individual countries by introducing foreign peoples whose values, ethics and culture were diametrically opposed to those of the native population. The native population was then blamed for all the predictable crimes, tensions and social unrest that would result.

By deliberately introducing hordes of people, bringing with them their totally different cultural values ​​towards women, children and religions different from their own, the English puppet masters have fomented and guaranteed unrest which they wrongly attribute to white English “racism” — when in reality the average English citizen is protesting against BEHAVIOUR, regardless of race or religion.

Barbara Spectre. Click to enlarge

As one of the leading figures in this planned attack on Europe and England, Barbara Spectre once stated that her people would be resentful of their leading role in making Europe and England “multicultural.” But according to Spectre, Europe and England “would not survive” without that change and transition.

Here in the United States, we face a similar future. Anyone with eyes or ears can see and hear the wheels turning against freedom of speech and expression. The Republic’s new vice presidential candidate, “Tampon” Tim. Walz, has bluntly stated that “freedom of speech” is not absolute.

The Biden/Harris/Obama regime has even begun touting something called “Newsguard” which is designed to suppress and ultimately censor anything deemed to be mis-, dis- or mal-information. The fact that such information might actually be true is no longer a reason or justification for its dissemination if the “authorities” deem it not to be in their interest.

The truth of the matter is, of course, that the US government has no right to censor any form of speech under the US Constitution, nor does it have the right to threaten and intimidate those purveyors and gatekeepers of information (Facebook, YouTube, Google, etc.) into doing their bidding through intimidation. This includes the idiocy of “hate speech” and its promoters who use it as yet another tool of intimidation and harassment directed at anyone who would challenge the fabricated media narrative.

America, too, has its special “protected” class. In the U.S., blacks have not only been catered to since the birth of the civil rights movement; now blacks are put on a pedestal and a concerted effort, through television and film programming as well as advertising, has focused its energies on elevating blacks rather than whites – usually as the head of a family in an advertisement or on a television show, with a blonde, blue-eyed wife or sidekick in tow to complete the new “social programming.”

Not only do Blacks, and to a limited extent all other minorities and POCs, receive preferential admission to colleges and universities, the American justice system has become so corrupt that criminals are often released back onto the streets without bail for offenses that would normally put a white person behind bars.

Yet there are certain parallels between England’s coddling of immigrants and America’s treatment of blacks and other minorities. That parallel is what I mean by Christian “guilt.” It is the natural byproduct of a religion whose Savior is revered for suffering and crucifixion.

With this built-in Christian bias comes an overlay of liberal guilt that the controllers use to steer the Ship of State onto the rocks of social ruin. For their vision for our countries is vastly different from ours. “Divide and rule” has been their motto since time immemorial. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, their plan is both simple and obvious.

Discourage, demotivate and demoralize the population; repeatedly illustrate that the police will do the bidding of those responsible without ever questioning the righteousness of their actions; twist the justice system against justice and the average citizen; continually target the most vicious criminal elements and blame “society” instead of the individual perpetrator; corrupt the institutions of both government and business to “set aside” and track down through devious programs such as Affirmative Action and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and use them to attract, hire and promote those who barely qualify and often cannot qualify at all. And when that happens, lower the “standards” (only for the privileged and chosen of the day) and institute two or three tier systems to elevate mediocrity.

Above all, we must crush the spirit of enterprise, merit and achievement that has been the hallmarks of our culture for the past four centuries and instead proclaim loudly that whites are “guilty” for even thinking that any minority should be held to the same standards of behavior.

Ruining the gene pool of our cultures so that there will never again be a separate group of peoples and races, so that their descendants will at best have a divided loyalty and most likely no roots, loyalty or history to any particular race or people, making them much easier to mold, merge, mould and control.

For control is the Ultimate Goal of those who foment this constant struggle and conflict. And no one is easier to control than someone who has no roots, no history, no culture and no nationality.

If there is to be a solution to this distortion of our society to suit the lowest common denominator, it must begin with the realization that the only way our societies and cultures can ever truly “progress” is if we agree on unbending and incorruptible standards of behavior that we all adhere to.

All forms of favoritism, racial and sexual “quotas” must be abandoned as antithetical to creating a truly equal society. An equal society based on equal opportunity to achieve, NOT equal opportunity to outcome, (the hallmark of socialism and communism) will only evolve when we completely abandon the mental virus of guilt-tripping, politically correct, irrevocably corrupt Marxist propaganda that is destroying our societies and institutions from top to bottom.

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