Worth watching One of the best videos I have seen lately, various topics around the international Jewish mafia, if you are that mafia supporter don’t watch it, it’s not for you, we don’t want you to know. Blue tech, Gaza and the genocide of the Palestinians, Amalek and the destruction of the west, false flags, racial conflicts, false flags, vaccines and wars, all as part of the international Jewish mafia NWO agenda. But write my words, you will be betrayed by the master you serve today! Blessings 🙏 FOLLOW US ▶️


Worth seeing

One of the best videos I’ve seen lately, covering various topics around the international Jewish mafia. If you are a supporter of that mafia, don’t watch it, it’s not for you.

We don’t want you to know.

Blue technology, Gaza and the genocide of the Palestinians, Amalek and the destruction of the West, false flags, racial conflicts, vaccines and wars, all part of the international agenda of the Jewish mafia (NWO).

But write my words and you will be betrayed by the master you serve today!



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