This analysis is the SIXTH follow-up report (seventh total).


The initial two-day archive of real-time and relevant immediate analysis, social media posts and information supports the aggregate analysis: ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ON TRUMP.

The aggregate analysis on the Trump assassination attempt works to: 1-limit the focus of examination to primary positions with 2-support by primary and secondary source evidence by 3-identifying and factoring-out misinformation, disinformation and malinformation in ways to 4-permit Occam’s to prevail in order to 5-determine a reliable fact set to 6-reflect the truth about the event.

ShanghiaMoon @MoonShangai, “Wall St.,” Marco Polo members and others contribute to the ongoing analysis.

The first six reports should be consumed for necessary contextual backdrop:

  1. TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: Initial Analysis Indicates Internal Security Breach and Stand-down

  2. TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: Follow-up Analysis/1

  3. TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: Follow-up Analysis/2

  4. TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: Follow-up Analysis/3

  5. TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: Follow-up Analysis/4

  6. TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: Follow-up Analysis/5

The analysis into the Trump assassination attempt remains ongoing in the backdrop with a small team of individuals including Moonshine contributor “Wall St.”, @MoonShanghai and @BkblairBobbie continually identifying and filtering the content for inclusion in the analysis.

This report diverges from examining and laying-out these variables to return to the immediate and initial premise reflected in the immediate and initial analysis and reporting: the Trump assassination attempt was a deliberate stand-down to a known threat caused by an internal breach of security resulting in internal actors taking the shots blamed on patsy Thomas Matthew Crooks.

To do that, we rely on further information from former State Department cyber expert Mike Benz, who weighs in on an extremely problematic aspect of the aggregate analysis at Moonshine: the Department of Homeland Security and in particular, Homeland Security Investigations.

To begin, here are pandemic-specific graphic illustrations pertaining to continuity of government (discussed further below) that envelop DHS as a primary agency; and in ways to understand how these complex components fit and reciprocate in the context of the Trump assassination attempt.

In short, COG protocols are triggered when the Executive is incapacitated or otherwise prevented from executing his Constitutional duties and this obviously includes assassination.

The subject of longtime close examination and scrutiny, DHS runs point on COG, Executive security/USSS, presidential transition/Presidential Transition Office, terrorism/counter-terrorism/domestic terrorism, cyber security, transportation security, immigration and customs, etc.; meaning that all of the necessary chickens and eggs are in a single hen house with the fox inside.

In other words, DHS is like the Costco of assassination in that it has everything you need all under one roof.

Moonshine favorite Mike Benz lays it out but first, these illustrations are exhibits from the independent forensic analysis report that I submitted to my team for its federal lawsuit against individuals inside the federal apparatus for their roles in the COVD-19 “pandemic” of enterprise fraud prosecutable under RICO statute.

In particular and on a brief sidebar, this last illustration is a perfect explanation for why believers hoodwinked into thinking that “Devolution” was a remedy for a hijacked federal government were betting on a dead horse because devolution is a function of DHS.

Follow-up report 5 was written on 24 Jul 24, a little over 3 weeks ago.

In that time, things have progressed to the extent outlined in the immediate and initial analysis: the fire hose of mis/dis/malinformation has been fully opened-up to flood the landscape in order to detract and deflect from the truth of the matter.

In that time, it’s been a continual introduction of videos, audio recordings, witnesses, individuals, scenarios, possibilities, variables, factors, etc.; all impacting the evidence and fact sets for things like how many shooters were there, who took the shots, the location of the shooters, etc.

All of this is designed to be very “grassy knoll” like as calibrated to the technological capabilities of 2024 v. 1963.

Nonetheless, this approach by the Intelligence Community continues to be highly effective.

Although many questions about particulars remain, such as how many internal actors and counter-sniper teams were involved in the assassination attempt as the actual shooters in lieu of the clearly established patsy Thomas Matthew Crooks; and whether Crooks operated with a co-conspirator, the fog of confusion and the whirlpool of variables and evidence constantly swirling in light of new variables and evidence being regularly introduced is a designed wild goose chase to keep the momentum of the event moving away from its architects and their actual designs and actions.

Moreover, the drama generated by The Big Swap centered on Joe Biden’s withdrawal and the full-on propaganda show that has turned the worst political candidate in history – Kamala Harris – into the nation’s fake darling has caused the Trump assassination attempt to be completely removed from the IC-controlled and dictated news cycle.

Going forward, subsequent reporting will return to closer examination of the whirlpool of factors, variables and evidence.

The Mike Benz interview discussing DHS and HSI that was featured in a segment on Benny Johnson’s show and forwarded by “Wall St.” should be viewed in full.


Benz’s remarks are summarized below and stack-up on existing evidence that the gun range Crooks used was a facility also used by DHS (and other federal agencies):


As noted, it’s a safe assumption that DHS/HSI was handling Crooks (leaving the door open for FBI/DOJ) and the gun range is the perfect contextual setting to facilitate both the introduction and interfacing.

Importantly and returning to the COG component introduced above, that post places three very important and interconnected cards on the table: 1-continuity of government (COG), which is the primary operational directive in the death of an Executive, 2-presidential transition and 3-Executive protection (USSS).

Moreover and as Benz outlined, unlike the FBI, the sub-agency HSI operates under a different charter and is detached from DOJ meaning that it’s the perfect federal entity for compartmentalized operations outside the scope of DOJ oversight authority.

A factual recount of history reminds us that the Costco of assassination free from DOJ oversight – DHS – was borne out of 9/11, which was another internal operation falling on the political continuum that arose out of the post-World War II era and came into full public view in 1963 with the assassination of JFK: Dynastic Bush.

Here are Benz’s remarks summarized and underlined presented with Moonshine back-fill in italics:

  1. “It would be remarkably easy” to execute the Trump assassination “all in-house within DHS” with “the following mechanism (HSI).

  2. The Capitol “insurrection” entrapment operation (as the analysis has branded it) featured more HSI investigators on the ground than the FBI and where those federal assets are characterized as having recruited individuals into their operations where they functioned as Judas goats and dog whistles (like Ray Epps) alongside others suspected of being Antifa, BLM, et al.

  3. DHS was operating via the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), which bears down on the analysis evidencing that Trump had been labeled an “insider threat” as a component of the overarching analysis indicating that DOJ/FBI/DHS et al. have been targeting the Intelligence Community’s political opposition and adversaries by labeling them “extremists” and “domestic terrorists”.

  4. The JTTF was recruiting informants from existing entities like the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys and the 3-percenters citing a 45-minute video by Jeremy Brown (former Oath Keeper) who was recruited by HSI investigators in advance of the Capitol event.

  5. Within DHS exists a sub-agency called Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), which is independent of DOJ oversight unlike FBI, as indicated above.

  6. The concurring NATO summit and the Jill Biden events detracted from the USSS Executive detail footprint in Butler to protect Trump and in place of USSS agents, DHS assigned HSI agents.

  7. Benz remarks on what is outlined above in the 10 Aug post about whether Crooks had a DHS (HSI) handler at his gun range in calling into question the advance timeline and whether Crooks and his assumed limited skill set had adequate time to surveil the scene, obtain drone video, procure and train with a weapon at prescribed distances, etc.

  8. Benz cites the placement on the assassination attempt timeline for the SCOTUS presidential immunity ruling, which was included in the analysis entitled To Kill A King, which I wrote on 02 Jul 24 eleven days before the attempt and which projected the assassination attempt including attribution to the failed operational lawfare targeting Trump as caused by the ruling.

  9. Benz cites the advance timeline considerations discussed above referring to the operation as seeming “ready to go” and further drawing down the pipe bombs in Crooks’ possession relative to the entrapment operation in Michigan in the constructed Gretchen Whitmer assassination attempt orchestrated by FBI.

  10. Specifically, Benz cites how internet searches for pipe bomb construction triggers an immediate federal infiltration of the searcher meaning that Crooks would have been interceded on if he had made such inquiries and further calling into question whether he had adequate time to make three; but by process of elimination and the application of Occam’s, construction of Crooks’ pipe bombs was likely a function of HDS/HSI or DOJ/FBI handlers.

  11. More specifically, Benz cites how the FBI instructed its Whitmer operation informants and subjects on how to construct pipe bombs (meaning evidenced precedence for operations); and where the subjects were arrested for attempting to purchase “weapons of mass destruction” sold to them by the FBI.

  12. Benz cites existing reporting on the Crooks’ AGR rooftop being vacated by the protection detail evidencing the asserted stand-down.

  13. Benz discusses the Costco design where it becomes operationally feasible to execute an internal assassination attempt on Trump once DHS/HSI agents replace USSS agents already under the authority of DHS, because overlapping NATO summit and Jill Biden events spread thin the USSS.

  14. The cyber expert Benz explains the implications of using encrypted and foreign devices and platforms to compartmentalize and conceal communications with Crooks (and anyone else as necessary by design) to keep the entire operation “in house” and under the Costco roof.

  15. Benz cites as further evidentiary precedence the USSS failures with the yet-to-be solved Capitol “insurrection” entrapment operation pipe bomb event(s).

  16. Benz reinforces the Costco model in saying that DHS/HSI was “in charge of events,” “in charge of recruiting informants; geez, that’s really, really convenient.”

Thank you, Mike Benz.

The immediate and initial analysis remains clear: an internal security breach resulted in a designed stand-down to a known threat where internal actors from a combined DHS/USSS/DOJ/FBI attempted to assassinate Donald Trump. Former US State Department cyber expert Mike Benz expands our scope to envelop DHS functionary HSI and more specifically, how it was HSI agents in particular who replaced USSS agents for the Executive protection detail in Butler, PA on 13 Jul 24.

This is the DHS organizational chart:

Under the Secretary, Deputy Secretary and the Management Directorate is the agency for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“In June 2010, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), an agency within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with law enforcement responsibilities, underwent a structural realignment. Among the changes, ICE created a directorate it dubbed “Homeland Security Investigations” or HSI.1 This bureaucratic structure, one of two primary operational directorates to emerge from the agency’s 2010 realignment,2 combined elements within ICE that focused on criminal investigation. The directorate was designed to pursue criminals and terrorists who “violate (U.S.) customs and immigration laws worldwide.”3” (Source: Congressional Research Service: Homeland Security Investigations, a Directorate within U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement: In Brief).

From the same, its focus: “Enforcing more than 400 federal laws and regulations,6 HSI investigates what it dubs as “cross-border criminal activity.”7 This suggests a host of responsibilities related to the illicit movement of people and goods into the United States. In addition to more obvious areas of operation such as drug trafficking, human smuggling, and visa security, HSI’s orbit of responsibilities also includes challenges such as cybercrime, intellectual property theft, and counterterrorism. For example, HSI claims that its employees represent the second-largest contingent of federal agents detailed to Joint Terrorism Task Forces8 across the United States.”

HSI’s operational structure: “HSI includes eight divisions at the headquarters level: (1) Domestic Operations, (2) International Operations, (3) the National Security Investigations Division, (4) the Office of Intelligence, (5) Investigative Programs, (6) the National Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Coordination Center, (7) Mission Support, and (8) the Information Management Directorate. The divisions help direct and facilitate investigative work at domestic field offices as well as in foreign locations. The first six divisions listed above appear to be involved in much of the investigative and intelligence work performed by HSI (Figure 1) and will be discussed below.”

HSI’s domestic and international operations: “Two bodies—the Domestic Operations Division and the International Operations Division—help direct many of HSI’s investigative efforts at home and abroad. According to HSI, in FY2014 it disrupted or dismantled 520 transnational criminal organizations and made 32,000 arrests. It seized between 1.3 million and 2.3 million pounds of narcotics, between 20,000 and 35,000 weapons, and between $720 million and $772 million in currency and monetary instruments.9 The Domestic Operations Division “oversees” HSI’s 26 principal field offices in the United States.10 The nearly 6,000 special agents,11 as well as other employees in these offices, run thousands of criminal investigations. In early 2015, HSI claimed that it had initiated 120,000 domestic investigations stretching back through FY2012.12 In addition to national security cases, HSI field offices investigate violations at the U.S. border and within the interior of the country, including customs and immigration violations such as human rights violations; narcotics smuggling and distribution; weapons smuggling and the smuggling of other types of contraband; money laundering and financial crimes; cyber-crimes; human trafficking and smuggling; transnational gangs; child exploitation; worksite enforcement; intellectual property violations; commercial fraud; export violations; and identity and immigration benefit fraud.1”

According to the existing analysis, operations HSI’s National Security Investigations Division has jurisdiction: “The National Security Investigations Division (NSID) includes programs designed to pursue terrorists and criminals that pose a national security threat. It also devotes resources to liaison and interagency cooperation.20 Five entities in the NSID that handle many of these responsibilities are gathered in an element known as “National Security Programs.” More specifically, according to HSI, its National Security Programs element tackles “terrorists and transnational criminal organizations that threaten national security and (U.S.) trade, travel, and financial systems.”21”

Again, the timeline for this DHS structural realignment to produce HSI in the Cotsco model is 2010.

For a broader and overarching understanding of this 2010 timeline, plug it into this timeline, which is also where you can find the COG illustrations from above (this is also linked in the menu bar): COVID-19 Enterprise Fraud Construct Timeline: Major Dates, Events, Entities & Legislation.

The analysis positions Barack Obama as running point on IC political operations since he left office in January 2017: From “Orange Man Bad” to “Old Man Bad” Barack Obama Operates for the Intelligence Community.

When DHS facilitated presidential transition via its Presidential Transition Office on 13 Jan 17, the outgoing Barack Obama planted a “pandemic” time bomb into the incoming Trump Administration: Will Devastating History Repeat Itself as Biden Administration Plans Presidential Transition to Trump? Planting Another Bomb Like in 2017?

In 2010, DHS restructured during Obama’s first term to include HSI.

HSI has world-wide jurisdiction to pursue any subject -“criminals and terrorists” like the “domestic terrorists” it creates from thin air to entrap – falling under the jurisdiction it gave itself and it does this outside the system of checks and balances considering that it escapes oversight by the DOJ ergo the Judiciary.

Underpinned by historical precedence, Occam’s logically deduces it to this: Obama’s 2010 structural realignment of DHS to produce HSI equates to the planting of another time bomb to be triggered at a time determined by the architects of the Trump assassination operation.

This is DHS/HSI homepage to learn more.

The DHS/HSI component that Mike Benz introduced provides another fine detail of the architecture and architects for the Trump assassination operation.

Moreover and in the overarching view, it’s further evidence of the Dynastic Bush architecture that positions the Intelligence Community as the central node of operations.

Please stay tuned for more analysis.



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