August 15, 2024: How We Got Here; Where We’re Going (Videos)

Somehow, by mid-August, we have reached a point where our sanity has remained intact. That is not to say that we have not been thoroughly tested, but we are the strongest of the strong, the boldest of the bold, and the bravest of the brave, whether we consciously accept it or not.

When the call went out for souls to save the universe and the goodness and perfection of creation, we were crazy enough to volunteer – and here we are – at the closing party. The really big gala for all of humanity will be a year-long extravaganza of celebration and gifting. Trump has said this and we are curious to see what that will entail. We expect technology, abundance and ultimately ascension. Our graduation is now – and in the future.

Believing that this war will finally be over with enough conviction to actually celebrate and let our guard down will be a huge relief. It will probably take many of us the better part of that year to relax, or longer. Navigating the war and supporting the war effort has been a way of life for many of us for many years and has not changed overnight.

Living with caution and fear rather than with trust and surrender takes its toll. Knowing that so many died in the trenches makes the victory less sweet, as does needlessly losing our pets, friends, and family along the way. Some in the know have told us that when it is over, the rewards will so exponentially outweigh the costs that every bit of pain will be worth it. The ending of “the movie” is predicted to be spectacular.

If we jump back to the present, we see the systematic destruction of the old guard. Tim Walz, Kamala’s hopeless and God-knows-better candidate for VP, has been posting what we know as “dog comms” on X. Sounds like someone is about to make their final exit.

Thank you @VogueMagazine for making our dog Scout a cover model. Let’s hope this fame doesn’t go to his head.

— Tim Walz (@Tim_Walz) August 14, 2024

We have been talking about the positive and very successful Q Psyop for years, but there are those who may need to hear this from someone else. I called Q a psyop before I heard anyone else say it, and then someone corrected it to “counter-psyop”, which may be more accurate, but either way – the White Hats and our off-world assistants know what they are doing and understand human nature. The damage done by the programming and brainwashing of the evil magicians had to be undone.

It worked like a charm, not just in America, but all over the world. They know who’s “the boss,” and that’s Trump. Trump wields the magic wand. He waves the Sword of Peace.

Saudi royal family joins Trump for highest honor: a sword dance during Trump’s “Capitulation tour.”

Below is the first post that summarizes the Q operation. There were many awakened souls, but we did not have the whole story about most of what was happening on our planet. We only had superficial knowledge that was easily found on the internet. Q gave the “conspiracies” teeth and helped us have the courage to accept the most unpleasant truths so that we had the Bigger Picture. Most of you will admit that much of what was happening was so horrific that it was hard to believe. Q was trustworthy. Trump was trustworthy. We had a standard for truth so that we could investigate for ourselves and share those uncomfortable truths.

(Q’s Mission: The Intel Board)

I’m going to explain the purpose of Q-posts, not the plan as a whole, just the point of Q-posts. First, I’m going to address the topic of “Q is a PSYOP.”

Was Q a PSYOP?

Q was an operation to open minds. Q encouraged people to investigate,…

— 𝙰𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗 (@AAnon55) August 15, 2024

Below is a follow-up from TruthRascalHQ on Telegram:

And I’m going to take AAnon’s message even further…

Q awakened a certain type of person. It wasn’t for everyone, and it wasn’t meant to be. It just had to resonate with enough people to see the pieces of the puzzle falling into place so that we could start to see reality differently.

The people who resonated with Q began to largely break out of the Mind chains that we were all subjected to and saw a new, brighter future for ourselves. We stopped believing the lies and the dystopian nightmare and began to create a new vision for America and the entire world. THAT was the real key… to get enough creative beings (because that is what we really are) to create a new world through a new set of insights and beliefs about what was possible. And in doing so, it led to a change in possible outcomes and access to different timelines that were previously unavailable to us because we DID NOT BELIEVE IN IT.

Q changed the Collective Consciousness by activating enough Minds and Hearts to steer the ship into new waters.

And anyone who doesn’t see that simply doesn’t understand what’s really going on. You have to deeply understand the power of the human spirit and the way things really work here. We create reality through the power of our consciousness and the magnificence of our human vessels as energy transducers. But what is available to us is determined by what we believe deep within our minds and hearts.

So yes, it is a war for the hearts and minds of the people, in a way far more powerful than most could ever imagine or dare to dream.

Q awakened the sleeping giant that lies within each of us.

And nothing can stop what’s to come.


In love,



There are Q patriots everywhere who woke up and populated the Q army. The digital soldiers who undoubtedly saved a few lives by posting the truth about the Covid scamdemic and the clot injections. It’s a different world now. It will be interesting to see what happens if the Khazarian mafia decides to try another plandemic. It seems like a possibility.

They never do anything unless they can make money from it.

Check out the article below on what they are telling Canadians. Interesting stuff on many levels about a “hypothetical” virus, but so real! This article should make people think. If it is new, how do they know about it? How do they know anything about it or what is going to happen? They only know what they are creating and what they are planning for themselves.

The Canadian government has issued an advisory warning citizens to prepare for a hypothetical new virus which could lead to food and fuel problems.

Trudeau warns Canadians to prepare for new virus far worse than COVID

All the diseases that we humans struggle with are manufactured. General Flynn wants it known.

We sincerely hope that the population has learned something from the Covid hoax and the subsequent toxic injections/biological weapons.

That should put EVERY scam about scamdemic into perspective.

No fake PCR test. No mask. No made up 6ft rule. No lockdown. No poisonous jab. No bullshit.

What we don’t do knowing is, could a pandemic scenario be a strategy of the Alliance to get everyone inside, home, off the streets, so they can safely contain and lock up the last disciples of the devil. Once everyone is locked up, they will have nothing to watch but movies; namely the pre-recorded loops of messages prepared by the military to inform humanity of the situation on the planet

Unless the order comes directly from the military, I will not obey this time, just like last time. Never taken a contaminated, fake PCR test, never wore a mask, never had a bioweapon injection.

Trump spoke to another enthusiastic crowd today in Bedminster, New Jersey. The man is tireless; a machine. You can listen to it here on Rumble at Right Side Broadcasting. I guess it helps to have look-alikes.

He told listeners that local police have the name, serial number, origin and more of every character that crossed the border and that they will be rounding them up and removing them. That’s because of the free phones they were all given. Tracking devices. I love them.

Trump said he got 10-12 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016, yet he backed down and the election irregularities were well recognized. It was all intentional. Trump could not be in power and held accountable while the bad news and truths were being exposed to the American people. We still have a rough patch to get through.

Trump will only be associated with good things; positive, progress and truth. In the next few months, the truth about the election fraud will be made public to leave no doubt in the minds of the world – because this kind of illegal activity was happening all over the planet.

This week, the president of Smartmatic, the voting machine company, turned himself in to the authorities. Why would he do that? He can do it the easy way, or the hard way. These degenerates have the world by the tail, and then they don’t. He may have made a deal with the White Hats for his family. He may also have some interesting information to share.

Smartmatic president surrenders to US authorities in Miami to answer for election-related bribery and corruption

The following is undoubtedly a planned shot, and perfectly timed.

A team of Israeli contractors claims to have rigged more than 30 elections.

But #JewishSupremacy isn’t that a problem in the western world?

— Google 1940s terrorism, hit enter, image and read! (@_NicoleNonya) August 13, 2024

Google pushed an article to my phone this morning about Amy Coney Barrett and her status on the Supreme Court. That got me wondering if SCOTUS would be playing a role soon and then this popped up on Telegram:

The U.S. Supreme Court is considering the extent to which judges can change voting rules just before an election, a decision that could have ramifications for legal battles across the country just weeks before the presidential election.

That could cause some commotion in the last hour. We’ll see what happens.

We’re closing for today, folks. Eli’s hungry. ~ BP

Eli checks if my pool chair is seaworthy

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