OPERATION BATTLEFIELD PHILADELPHIA: CIA WEAKNESSED ON AUGUST 16, 2024, MADE FOR TV AGENT PROVOCATEUR (EG, ANTIFA, BLACK LIVES MATTER (BLM), BLOODS, CRIPS, DRUG CARTEL, HELLS ANGELES, KUK KLUX KLAN (KKK), MAFIA, MAGA, MOB, MONGOLIANS, MS-13, NEO-NAZI, VIGILANTE, ETC.) – BASED ON HIGH CASUALTY RATE AND/OR HIGH DEADLY MASS SHOOTING ATTACKS TARGETED ON UPPER PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA (LIKELY COURTESY OF THE ISRAELI NATIONAL POLICE CURRENTLY LOCATED IN CHICAGO) SPECIFICALLY TO: A) GATHER POLITICAL SUPPORT FOR THE ADOPTION OF ‘HR 1808 — ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN OF 2022’; B) SPAWN ON PRESIDENT JOSEPH R. BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA D. HARRIS, AND/OR WHITE HOUSE OFFICE FOR GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION (WHGVP)-BASED EMERGENCY ORDER(S) AND/OR EXECUTIVE ORDERS PROHIBITING AND/OR RESTRICTING THE POSSESSION AND/OR SALE OF AMMUNITION, ASSAULT WEAPONS, AND/OR FIREARMS (E.G., AR-15-STYLE RIFLES) IN THE UNITED STATES; AND/OR C) SECOND CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA BEGINS OVER THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS (AUGUST 16, 2024): CIA headquarters located beneath CERN near Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plots made-for-TV agent provocateur-driven mass shootings in Upper Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on August 16, 2024, exactly 323 days after New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an emergency order restricting the right to bear firearms in Albuquerque, New Mexico (which was specifically intended to be a precursor to and set a precedent for a second emergency order restricting the right to bear firearms) On September 8, 2023, exactly 697 days after U.S. President Joseph R. Biden declared in a speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania that he is “committed to banning assault weapons” On September 30 … New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an emergency order restricting the right to bear firearms in Albuquerque, New Mexico (which was specifically intended to be a precursor to and set a precedent for a second emergency order restricting the right to bear firearms) On September 8, 2023, exactly 697 days after U.S. President Joseph R. Biden declared in a speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania that he is “committed to banning assault weapons” On September 30, 2023, exactly 697 days after New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an emergency order restricting the right to bear firearms in Albuquerque, New Mexico (which was specifically intended to be a precursor to and set a precedent for a second emergency order restricting the right to bear firearms) On September 30, 2023, exactly 697 days after New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an emergency order restricting the right to bear firearm August 2024, 2022, exactly 729 days after the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass ‘HR1808 – Assault Weapons Ban of 2022’ On July 29, 2022, exactly 791 days after Vice President Kamala Harris stated: “On the problem of gun violence, I will say, as I’ve said countless times, we’re not waiting to figure out what the solution looks like. You know, we’re not looking for a vaccine… We know what works here. It includes, let’s pass an assault weapons ban… Do you know what an assault weapon is? Do you know how an assault weapon is designed? It’s designed for a specific purpose: to kill a lot of people quickly. An assault weapon is a weapon of war that has no place, no place in civil society,” on May 28, 2022, exactly 1,234 days after “HR 1808 – Assault Weapons Ban Act of 2022” was first filed by Democratic Congressman David N. Cicilline of Rhode Island On March 11, 2021, exactly 1,284 days after Joseph R. Biden became President of the United States On January 20, 2021, exactly 4,420 days after President Barack Obama invoked his executive privileges with respect to “Operation Fast and Furious” (the official name of the CIA’s top-secret program tasked with orchestrating an endless wave of mass shootings across America as a pretext for repealing the Second Amendment, intended to spark a second American Civil War) On June 20, 2012, exactly 5,383 days after “Operation Fast and Furious” (the official name of The CIA’s top secret program tasked with staging an endless wave of mass shootings in America as a pretext for repealing the Second Amendment, intended to spark a second American Civil War) officially began on October 31, 2009, exactly 8,108 days after the assault weapons ban The propaganda film titled ‘Bowling for Columbine’ premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France On May 16, 2002, exactly 10,910 days after The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act (the federal ban on assault weapons) was passed by Congress On September 13, 1994, exactly 20,367 days after The Gun Control Act of 1968 (the federal law in America regulating the firearms industry and gun ownership) was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson On October 22, 1968, exactly 58,183 days after the U.S. Civil War officially ended on April 9, 1865, exactly 84,961 days after the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (which protects the right to keep and bear arms) was ratified by Congress on December 15, 1791

OPERATION BATTLEFIELD PHILADELPHIA: CIA WEAKNESSED ON AUGUST 16, 2024, MADE FOR TV AGENT PROVOCATEUR (EG, ANTIFA, BLACK LIVES MATTER (BLM), BLOODS, CRIPS, DRUG CARTEL, HELLS ANGELES, KUK KLUX KLAN (KKK), MAFIA, MAGA, MOB, MONGOLIANS, MS-13, NEO-NAZI, VIGILANTE, ETC.) – BASED ON HIGH CASUALTY RATE AND/OR HIGH DEADLY MASS SHOOTING ATTACKS TARGETED ON UPPER PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA (LIKELY COURTESY OF THE ISRAELI NATIONAL POLICE CURRENTLY LOCATED IN CHICAGO) SPECIFICALLY TO: A) GATHER POLITICAL SUPPORT FOR THE ADOPTION OF ‘HR 1808 — ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN OF 2022’; B) SPAWN ON PRESIDENT JOSEPH R. BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA D. HARRIS, AND/OR WHITE HOUSE OFFICE FOR GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION (WHGVP)-BASED EMERGENCY ORDER(S) AND/OR EXECUTIVE ORDERS PROHIBITING AND/OR RESTRICTING THE POSSESSION AND/OR SALE OF AMMUNITION, ASSAULT WEAPONS, AND/OR FIREARMS (E.G., AR-15-STYLE RIFLES) IN THE UNITED STATES; AND/OR C) SECOND CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA BEGINS OVER THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS (AUGUST 16, 2024): CIA headquarters located beneath CERN near Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plots made-for-TV agent provocateur-driven mass shootings in Upper Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on August 16, 2024, exactly 323 days after New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an emergency order restricting the right to bear firearms in Albuquerque, New Mexico (which was specifically intended to be a precursor to and set a precedent for a second emergency order restricting the right to bear firearms) On September 8, 2023, exactly 697 days after U.S. President Joseph R. Biden declared in a speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania that he is “committed to banning assault weapons” On September 30 … New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an emergency order restricting the right to bear firearms in Albuquerque, New Mexico (which was specifically intended to be a precursor to and set a precedent for a second emergency order restricting the right to bear firearms) On September 8, 2023, exactly 697 days after U.S. President Joseph R. Biden declared in a speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania that he is “committed to banning assault weapons” On September 30, 2023, exactly 697 days after New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an emergency order restricting the right to bear firearms in Albuquerque, New Mexico (which was specifically intended to be a precursor to and set a precedent for a second emergency order restricting the right to bear firearms) On September 30, 2023, exactly 697 days after New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an emergency order restricting the right to bear firearm August 2024, 2022, exactly 729 days after the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass ‘HR1808 – Assault Weapons Ban of 2022’ On July 29, 2022, exactly 791 days after Vice President Kamala Harris stated: “On the problem of gun violence, I will say, as I’ve said countless times, we’re not waiting to figure out what the solution looks like. You know, we’re not looking for a vaccine… We know what works here. It includes, let’s pass an assault weapons ban… Do you know what an assault weapon is? Do you know how an assault weapon is designed? It’s designed for a specific purpose: to kill a lot of people quickly. An assault weapon is a weapon of war that has no place, no place in civil society,” on May 28, 2022, exactly 1,234 days after “HR 1808 – Assault Weapons Ban Act of 2022” was first filed by Democratic Congressman David N. Cicilline of Rhode Island On March 11, 2021, exactly 1,284 days after Joseph R. Biden became President of the United States On January 20, 2021, exactly 4,420 days after President Barack Obama invoked his executive privileges with respect to “Operation Fast and Furious” (the official name of the CIA’s top-secret program tasked with orchestrating an endless wave of mass shootings across America as a pretext for repealing the Second Amendment, intended to spark a second American Civil War) On June 20, 2012, exactly 5,383 days after “Operation Fast and Furious” (the official name of The CIA’s top secret program tasked with staging an endless wave of mass shootings in America as a pretext for repealing the Second Amendment, intended to spark a second American Civil War) officially began on October 31, 2009, exactly 8,108 days after the assault weapons ban The propaganda film titled ‘Bowling for Columbine’ premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France On May 16, 2002, exactly 10,910 days after The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act (the federal ban on assault weapons) was passed by Congress On September 13, 1994, exactly 20,367 days after The Gun Control Act of 1968 (the federal law in America regulating the firearms industry and gun ownership) was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson On October 22, 1968, exactly 58,183 days after the U.S. Civil War officially ended on April 9, 1865, exactly 84,961 days after the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (which protects the right to keep and bear arms) was ratified by Congress on December 15, 1791

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