Hamas calls for popular uprising against settlers

Palestinians take part in the funeral procession of slain Rashid Mahmoud Sedda, 23, who was shot dead on Friday night in an attack by Israeli settler militias on the village of Jit, east of Qalqilya

Palestinian resistance groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad have condemned an attack by illegal Israeli settlers on the village of Jit in the northern West Bank, killing one Palestinian and setting fire to the homes and cars of other residents.

In a statement on Friday, Hamas called for a popular uprising against the settler gangs.

“We mourn the heroic martyr Rashid Mahmoud Sada, who was killed by settler militias in the village of Jit. We affirm that this pure blood will not be in vain and will be a curse for the occupying regime,” the statement said.

Earlier, Hamas leader Abdel Rahman Shadid had stated: “The aggression of the Nazi occupation through armed illegal settlers in the village of Jit, east of Qalqilya, tonight, along with the arson and abuse, is part of a series of crimes committed by the occupation in the West Bank.”

Shadid called on Palestinians in the West Bank to “renew their resistance against the occupation and the settlers and to confront their brutal attacks by all means possible.”

The Islamic Jihad resistance movement, in turn, condemned the attack by illegal Israeli settlers on the village of Jit, calling it a declaration of war on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

‘The siege of the village by the occupying army during the attack is reminiscent of the massacres committed by the Stern, Irgun and Haganah gangs in 1948, among others. The aim was to drive our people from their land.

“The occupation army’s participation in securing protection against these crimes proves that an official plan is being carried out, sponsored by war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu,” the Gaza-based group said in a statement.

The Islamic Jihad Movement called on all Palestinian residents of the West Bank to confront settler gangs and their crimes in defense of the occupied territories and the Palestinian nation.

Furthermore, the Palestinian Mujahideen movement condemned the attack by illegal Israeli settlers on the Palestinian village of Jit as an extension of the genocidal war that the fascist Zionist entity is waging against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

“We call on the masses of our people in the cities and towns of the West Bank to a large-scale uprising and an extended intifada to vigorously confront the crimes of the Zionists and thwart their criminal plans aimed at eradicating the Palestinian presence and expelling our people,” the report added.

On Thursday evening, more than 100 illegal Israeli settlers attacked Jit, killing one Palestinian civilian and seriously wounding another.

During the raid, they set fire to four houses and six vehicles belonging to Palestinians.

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