logo for Syndicate Pest Solutions

Hey SyndicatePC, I have carefully read the requirements for the logo design project for Syndicate Pest Solutions. To create a unique logo, I will combine graphic design, illustration and color expertise. I plan to design a shield with a mafia-inspired pest control officer wearing a mask, with the words “Syndicate Pest Solutions” underneath, with a color scheme of red and green. The final design will stand out from the original dark and scary concept, making for a professional and attractive logo that matches your brand identity. As a freelancer with over 7 years of experience in graphic design, logo design, illustrator and illustration, I am confident that I can deliver a high-quality and custom logo for Syndicate Pest Solutions. My services also include packaging design, complete new corporate branding and children’s book illustrations, tailored to your specific needs. You can view my portfolio here: www.freelancer.com/u/sahildogra222 I believe in customer satisfaction and payment should be made only when you are fully satisfied with the work. Start a chat to discuss further details. Kind regards, Sahil D.

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