Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 17, 2024



Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 17 Aug. 2024

Compiled Sat. 17 Aug. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”

Soon, At Any Moment, a Turn of Events Will Trigger the Unbelievable.
Our Entire Government Will Be Invalidated.
The Storm Has Arrived

Something BIG is Coming!!!
The Shift is Here
It’s Done
…Q Storm 1776 on Telegram Fri. 16 Aug. 2024

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

Slow Down – Sissel (2019 Pioneer Concert with The Tabernacle Choir) (

In the midst of my confusion
In the time of desperate need
When I am thinking not too clearly
A gentle voice does intercede

Slow down, slow down, be still
Be still and wait, on the Spirit of the Lord
Slow down and hear His voice
And know that He is God

In the time of tribulation
When I’m feeling so unsure
When things are pressing in about me
Comes a gentle voice so still, so pure

Slow down, slow down, be still, my child
Be still and wait, on the Spirit of the Lord
Slow down and hear His voice
And know that He is God
And know that He is God

Judy Note: A Deep State Cabal Global Elite World Economic Forum memo was recently uncovered that outlined a plot to roll out Sharia Law and legalize P*dophilia in Western Nations. The plan is to push illegal immigration – which they have successfully done ever since Obama took the US Presidential Seat in 2009.

Obama and his puppet Joe Biden’s policies revolved around getting and maintaining control of the World population for the Global Elites. Their priority was control of the Global financial system and by overspending our fiat taxpayer dollars, have placed us and the World into an economic crisis.




Trump recently warned of an unprecedented collapse of the US and World financial markets, “It will be a Blow Up like you’ve never seen before, a Bankruptcy of the entire system, perhaps the Nation”

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That Capitol Hill was strangely surrounded in eight foot high barbed wire fencing for Biden’s Inauguration Day 20 Jan. 2021, while Washington DC was guarded by over 30,000 National Guard troops.

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In the early morning hours of Mon. 1 Feb. 2021 and with the US functioning under Martial Law, Joe Biden and 464 elected government officials were said arrested and released inside the Capitol Hill area.

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By the way, Barack Obama’s Kenyan birthright invalidates his whole presidency and all his policies. They will be wiped from the books in the bankruptcy of the USA Corporation!

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On other dramatic World Events, the Mexican Drug Cartels created by the CIA and supported by the Chinese Communist Party and Obama/Biden, were being taken down by Mexican Nationals trained by Trump Military forces near Cheyenne Mountain. Leaders of the Cartels, who have been blackmailing US Congress members while trafficking…(Content Redacted)

After the Worldwide Blackout the Mexican soldiers being trained in the U.S. near Cheyenne Mountain would then move the Mexican nationality to a massive revolution. The people of Mexico were united to take down the Mexican Cartel operations and rid their country of CIA control and CCP corruption – which must be done in order for Mexico to join the United States in the new Global Currency Reset and Financial System.

  • Operation Hammer is a military operation presently in effect with Arrest Wars and the White Hat Military: Hammer involved 450,000 Sealed Indictments, 1000s of JAG Tribunals, Trials, Sentencing and Executions. Executive Orders 13818, 13848, and 13959 were combating crimes against humanity, foreign election interference and Chinese military companies like Evergrande. This historic crackdown on crime is reshaping justice and accountability on a global scale.
  • Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 Will Barney, former Banker: “We are undergoing a massive transition in the World and the financial system is about to collapse. Chase Bank has lost two billion in deposits. It’s a Banking Apocalypse. The Military is on heavy movement throughout the US. There are internet outages where people are being taking into custody and the Military wants to stop communication. There are tests of the EBS system. Germany is on the edge of a big financial collapse. All credit could freeze up. The RV will likely be during the EBS. Train derailments are continuing. The Deep State is moving cargo they shouldn’t be and the Cabal is deliberately spilling chemicals into the ground water to create chaos.”
  • Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 Tyson Foods has been closing some of their production facilities after it was disclosed that they put insects in their foods.

Judy Note: Jenny Hill and I spent 18 years writing her biography “22 Faces” to expose our own CIA’s horrendous Mind Control Programming.

“22 Faces” explains how childhood torture separates a young developing brain’s thinking patterns into multiple personalities that then allowed perpetrators to control their victims throughout their lives.

Upon the soon to be re-publication of “22 Faces,” it would be most appreciated if you could go into Amazon and give the biography a review and rating, plus ask your friends and family to do likewise.




If you would like notification of the “22 Faces” re-publication release, please email me at: [email protected]

If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of, or read un-redacted versions on the The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories and American Media Group ( Websites, or watch videos of the Update done by We The People NEWS ( and

Judy Note on Possible Timing:

  • On Sat. 17 Aug. 2024 under order of President Trump, Banks will begin zeroing out mortgage and credit cards, with other forms of personal debt plus the National Debt fully paid off by Sat. 31 Aug. 2024.
  • Sun. 18 Aug. Iraqi Dinar revaluation.
  • On Mon. 19 Aug. it was expected that the Global Alliance Military would take over communication Worldwide on cell phones, TV, Internet and Radio to make important announcements.
  • On Mon. 19 Aug. it was expected that the Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas would announce it’s decision on the Brunson 2020 Voter Fraud Case, which could dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress. (The US ongoing Devolution of government would be handled by the Military until new elections could be held).
  • Also on Mon. 19 Aug. 2024 NESARA/GESARA was expected to be announced, which included payment of R&R for US taxpayers (28 years of age and older) or Green Card Holders and would begin pay outs into individual bank accounts on the Starlink Satellite System (that will take up to 18 days to deposit in your account), plus with the Iraqi Dinar revaluation that same day, liquidity for the Global Currency Reset would be in place.
  • At a Redemption Center in order to access your individual Quantum Account and GESARA/NESARA monies you will need to have a (1) a biometric thumb or finger print (2) a password (3) a User Name (4) a five digit ID number (5) an Email address.
  • On Mon, Tues, Wed. Aug. 19, 20, 21 Med Beds would be available to certain people with emergency health problems. Trump has announced Med Beds would be available to everyone for free treatments in all hospitals by the end of the year 2024.
  • By Tues. 20 Aug. the Red Folder Worldwide Emergency Broadcast System Project Odin Alert (controlled by the Military) was expected to begin on the new Starlink Satellite System.
  • Social Security increases (of 80%) should start around Wed. 21 Aug. 2024.
  • Until the end of August ten countries would be running the international broadcast of documentaries on the internet, TV and radio – which would entail info on corruption in government, banking, and military Worldwide.

Global Currency Reset:

Judy Note: What we think we know as of Sat. 17 Aug. 2024:

  • Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 TNT Tony: “The system is live and working. People high up exchanged yesterday Thurs. 15 Aug. and today Fri. 16 Aug. The system is working. We are hours maybe a day away – tonight or tomorrow morning Sat. 17 Aug. emails could come out. Iraq has officially RV’d with a Rate of $3.19, Contract Rate $28.50. It would happen after Banks close tomorrow Sat. 17 Aug. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notified Mon. 19 Aug. with exchanges beginning Tues. 20 Aug.”
  • Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 MarkZ: Mark was hearing the process was underway.  More bond contacts continuing to anticipate payments through the weekend. One large group in Reno is expectant but hasn’t started yet. Redemption Centers on standby. Mark suggested things could very well start this weekend but don’t be disappointed if it takes an extra day or two.
  • Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 Bruce: “The USN will be on the Forex Sun. night 18 Aug. and will be seen on bank screens Mon. morning 19 Aug. Tier4b(us, the Internet Group) should get notified sometime by Tues. 20 Aug. 2024.Tier 4b exchange/redemption appointments should start by Wed. 21 2024.”
  • Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 Wolverine: “Exciting things have happened, but I’m not allowed to say what. People are expecting something Sun. night 18 Aug. Just to let you know guys is to get ready. I’m sorry that I can’t say anything as everyone is under total NDA now and soon I will be as well. That opera will be release any day now. Thank you for all the support you have all given me as this is one of the most hardest things that I have done in my life as it has control our way of life for years and played with our emotions. We have seen so many of our compatriots that did not make it and thankfully their family will cross the finish line for them. During this journey I never thought that I was going to be attacked viciously and even to this day the attacks are still continuing. I know within my heart that I’m doing God’s work and that too many of you are suffering and you need hope and a messenger to know what is going on. As soon as I’m under NDA you won’t hear from me anymore but my job has been completed and I can leave with good conscience that I have done everything possible to help you. The opera will be release once I receive the green light. Don’t forget the Get Together in February 2025 here in Sydney as we are planning to have the biggest party that Sydney has ever held with all these patriots coming from so many countries. Remember that it’s going to be a gala night and so wear your best clothes everyone. I’ll let you all know the day and the address of the Get Together. Love you all. Your friend Wolverine.”
  • Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 Farm Claims liquidity, Ginger’s Liberty Lounge: Reports regarding Farm Claims settlements being paid are accurate; and this is a very nice item which we can happily check off our “non negotiable list”. I was unable to share the exact details from my own confirmed contact, so I am sharing this other news passed along from someone else. 8.14.24. Lamb: “I just got off the phone with a friend of mine, she told me that her friend that had registered with the farm claim packages … He woke up to $500,000 in their bank account with no explanation, no nothing, he showed her the bank statement and knows this other person had “no pot to piss in” before (per se). So the statement about farm claims being paid is 100%.”
  • Wed. 14 Aug. MarkZ: “Not only were the Pickford claims (black farmers) being paid out, but also the other Farm Claims have started paying out – in the billions, along with the R&R payouts” (which were assumed to be going into our QFS Accounts).
  • Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 RV Highlights: Nesara will be announced first. This way the PUBLIC (everyone) will receive financial relief from debts. The RV will also be released QUIETLY for T4b for us to revalue.  Once 4b is done or nearly done, then the public will commence on their exchange.  The purpose of the NDA is to keep T4b mouths shut (or their funds will be clawed back) regarding the amount of rates being paid out because the PUBLIC will NOT be receiving the same high rates. This is to keep the PUBLIC for being upset and causing backlash. 

Global Financial Crisis:

  • As of Friday 3 Feb. 2023 all banks around the Globe wishing to participate in the Global Currency Reset had to be Basel 4 Compliant, meaning their currency had to be gold or asset-backed as required by the GESARA Law.
  • The use of the fiat US Federal Reserve Dollar in parallel with the new gold/asset-backed US Note will end by April 30th 2025 or soon thereafter.
  • People in countries participating in the Global Currency Reset will be invited into a Redemption Center where they will set up access to their individual bank accounts on the Starlink Satellite System. The system already contains monies in their bank accounts, plus any monies reimbursed to them through GESARA.
  • There were 75 Deep State Banks that were seized and all assets and accounts closed. All the Cabal’s Central Banks have been taken over, with assets entered into the Quantum Financial System (QFS).
  • The QFS is run on Blockchain where nothing fraudulent can happen because everything is traceable. They can see where all money goes, which stops corruption in its tracks.
  • The Global Currency Reset was being headed and supported by the BRICS Alliance, Swiss Banking Group AG and US Space Force.

Restored Republic:

Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic?

The Real News for Fri. 16 Aug. 2024:

Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 White Hat Intel:




  • The U S. Military has been training Mexicans and sending them back with weapons to Mexico through Maglev trains underground tunnels systems from Cheyenne mountain.
  • MUSK is a military contractor placed by Ezra, Patel, Trump White Hats. They all have been helping operations against the Cartels along the border.
  • Mexican Army Operations have silently started TRUMPS MILITARY OPERATIONS AGAINST THE CARTELS – the CIA operations/who created the drug and trade and facilitated worldwide drug cartel. With the help of the U.S. military training Mexican nationals the past 3 years and now have been sent back (continuing) to fight the Mexican corruption (CIA. Controlled Mexico system)
  • NOW MAJOR ARRESTS are happening in Mexico and along the border. Most of the arrests aren’t reported, but the arrest of the cartel leaders near Texas border has hit the news cycles as Mexico’s most wanted  kingpins Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada and Joaquín Guzmán arguably the world’s most powerful drug-trafficking organization: the Sinaloa cartel were apprehended.
  • MILITARY sats. (USSF) /STARLINK have been tracking most of the Mexican cartels digital foot prints and locations. With the help of insiders and trained Mexican military and police the Sinaloa leaders were tricked into military operations and arrests.
  • What you are reading in the news is fabrication of the arrest. Mexico didn’t want to claim responsibility for the ops. That would lead to retaliation against the government by the cartels. )
  • So far the operations have captured Hector Alejandro Apodaca-Alvarez, 53, of Somerton, Arizona; Mark Anthony Roque Bustamante, 33, of Yuma, Arizona; Jorge Moreno, 28, of San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico; Jonathan Nicholas Chavez, 25, of Brawley, California; Luis Tejada Velasquez, 37, of San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico; Austin Toma Grupee, 43, of Providence, Rhode Island; and Jose Chavez Zaragoza, 38, of Yuma, Arizona.
  • Especially important is the capture and operation that took down Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada and Joaquín Guzmán Lopez. El Mayo is expected to be transferred to New York City.
  • Trumps Military operations have already gone after the cartels (operation increasing)
  • In 2025_26 it’s being PLANned that cartel leaders WILL give full deposition on Mexican cartels controlling parts of the DNC and blackmailing DNC & RINOS  in several states as Arizona. New Mexico. Texas. California . NYC. Chicago. Florida and much more.
  • A Massive Mexican revolution will occur after blackout Events. The soldiers being trained in the U.S. near Cheyenne Mountain are going to move the Mexican nationality to a massive MASSIVE REVOLUTION…. And the people of Mexico WILL Unite to take down the FULL MEXICAN CARTEL OPERATIONS AND RID THEIR COUNTRY OF CIA CONTROL AND CCP CORRUPTION
  • Trump will leave no choice for Mexico but to clean their country of all corruption. And they must do this in order to join the United States new financial system
  • Military is the only way. It had to be this way.

How Bad Was The LA Police Investigation After The RFK Assassination?

  • Suspicious circumstances were ignored.
  • Suspicious persons at The Ambassador were not pursued or identified.
  • Witnesses urged to change their story.
  • Questionable statements given by persons with reason to lie were accepted at face value.
  • Written witness interview statements were altered.
  • Over 3,400 witness interview tape recordings were destroyed.
  • Written transcripts of undestroyed witness interview tapes did not correspond to what was on the tapes.
  • Police evidence logs were falsified.
  • Crime lab experts tampered with evidence.
  • Faked test results.
  • Over 2,400 photos were incinerated.
  • Physical evidence…including the doorways and ceiling panels…also was destroyed.
  • Recovered bullets did not match that from Sirhan’s pistol.

Fri. 16 Aug. 2024: GITMO Prison Ready For Massive Swamp Draining. Prison Barges Sent To Gitmo. As you recall: on the 21st of December several things happened:

1) President Trump signed an executive order that basically declared a State of Emergency in every area – giving the President Authority to take down these Elites across the planet.

2) General Mattis (Sec of Defense) made a surprise visit to our Leased Naval Base In Cube called Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) for an unannounced Inspection. The last time a Secretary Of Defense visited GITMO was 16 years ago when Donald Rumsfeld went there to prepare it to receive prisoners.

3) The 850th Military Battalion from the Arizona National Guard was mobilized with all 800 personnel and sent to GITMO for a 9 monthly deployment to help guard — 40 Prisoners? Apparently the last insane President regulated that all Nation Guard Units to deploy for 1 year every 3 years — which completely destroys any one’s ability to find a job in the National Guard. Hey boss – I can work for you only 2 years out of 3 years? Speculation within the 850th MP’s is that the US is preparing for a huge influx of prisoners into GITMO that are very well off as the base also just received $800 Million Dollars to rebuild not only the Base Housing but the prison itself.

4) Over 200 Elite CEO’s in America resigned immediately following the signing of the State of Emergency Act signed by the President. Most of these Elites are literally running for the hills – burying their dollars in offshore accounts. Unfortunately all bank accounts worldwide may be accessed by the Federal Reserve System – Except – the New Bank that is being created by the Chinese and Russians in their New Inter-bank System. President Trump does have the full cooperation with the Russian and Chinese Leaders in that these Elites will not be able to run to either of these countries.

5) IBC Airlines now has begun regular flights to GITMO and is now flying there 3 times a week. IBC Airlines handles Freight – so apparently allot of supplies are now being transferred to GITMO.

  • It appears that GITMO is preparing to receive some very High Level Elites that may be tried for Treason and find an extended stay at the “GITMO Resort.”With any luck these Treasonous Elites may even get a pillow for their extended stay – not kidding.
  • This is not about left vs. right – this is about the destruction of Planet Earth.
  • Further – President Trump has enacted the Old Immigration Laws that clearly state if you wish to destroy the American Government you cannot migrate here – a law ignored by last 4 Presidents in a clear attempt to initiate the Cloward Pivens Plan and destroy America and Freedom. What this means is that if you are an immigrant and part of an organization that plans to overthrow the US Government – you will be sent home.
  • I suppose this means the FBI will have to close ALL 50 Terror Camps they are running in this country?
  • This also includes those who follow the Koran and plan to destroy US Laws by implementing Sahria Law.

John Kennedy & James Spader together as young men. Just a coincidence right?

  • When you think of Michael Flynn claiming that “The Deep State” is after him, I want you to think about these two. Then you will understand why he paid an FBI Agent 28k to keep those emails buried.
  • Cabal (Deep State) Khazarians. Tip Of The Spear (Deep State) US Military. Which one does D. Trump & John Kennedy Jr. work for?
  • Again think “The Blacklist”. A secret organization taking down a secret international network of Cabalist.
  • God has his own Shadow Government. Just as Satan does. Both are working to bring about a New World Order.
  • One where the NWO enslaves us to AI. (Think Transhumanism). The other where the NWO liberate us so AI can work beside us while we focus on spiritual evolution.

Why Iran Hates the United States, UK and Europe, or how the CIA pulled a coup over Iran with M16 and brought Iran into civil unrest and decades of killings. …Q Storm 1776 on Telegram

  • The history of the company we now call BP has, over the last 100 years, traced the arc of transnational capitalism. Its roots lie in the early years of the twentieth century when a wealthy bon vivant named William Knox D’Arcy decided, with encouragement from the British government, to begin looking for oil in Iran. He struck a concession agreement with the absolute Iranian monarchy, using the proven expedient of bribing the three Iranians negotiating with him.
  • Under this contract, which he designed, D’Arcy was to own whatever oil he found in Iran and pay the government just 16% of any profits he made — never allowing any Iranian to review his accounting. After his first strike in 1908, he became sole owner of the entire ocean of oil that lies beneath Iran’s soil. No one else was allowed to drill for, refine, extract, or sell “Iranian” oil.
  • “Fortune brought us a prize from fairyland beyond our wildest dreams,” Winston Churchill, who became First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911, wrote later. “Mastery itself was the prize of the venture.”
  • Soon afterward, the British government bought the D’Arcy concession, which it named the Anglo-Persian Oil Company. It then built the world’s biggest refinery at the port of Abadan on the Persian Gulf. From the 1920s into the 1940s, Britain’s standard of living was supported by oil from Iran. British cars, trucks, and buses ran on cheap Iranian oil. Factories throughout Britain were fueled by oil from Iran. The Royal Navy, which projected British power all over the world, powered its ships with Iranian oil.
  • After World War II, the winds of nationalism and anti-colonialism blew through the developing world.
  • In Iran, nationalism meant one thing: we’ve got to take back our oil. Driven by this passion, Parliament voted on April 28, 1951, to choose its most passionate champion of oil nationalization, Mohammad Mossadegh, as prime minister. Days later, it unanimously approved his bill nationalizing the oil company. Mossadegh promised that, henceforth, oil profits would be used to develop Iran, not enrich Britain.
  • The Mega Giants in the oil industry in the United States were unhappy with the financial losses that was expected to produce a Trillion dollars with the British Petroleum ( BP) oil industry and European distribution.
  • So in the grief of losing a trillion dollar industry in Iranian oil and control the UK MAJESTY / British Elite’s with MI6 make plans with the CIA to over thrown the New Leader of Iran Mossadegh.
  • CIA front man Kermit Roosevelt Middle East Bureau Chief is sent into Iran with 1,000,000 $$ dollars  (12 million $ in today’s money) in U S tax paper money and meets CIA officers and several Iranian politicians who have given been corrupted by MI6 and CIA operations. Together with Roosevelt they go through the country and bribe politicians, clerics and powerful leaders to start rumors about Mossadegh and at the same time Iranians are paid to stage attacks ( false flags events ) against the local religious leaders and groups and the attacks are pointed at Mossadegh as his regimen and blamed for the orders, attacks and killings.
  • With time the CIA creates a huge massive civil unrest and distrust through the Iranian country and at the same time the CIA brings weapons into Iran enough to create a  10,000 guerilla army which causes chaos through Iran and buildings, shops burn down , a colour revolution ( CIA MI6 > COUP) begins and paid demonstration using students begin.
  • A bloody COUP happens and the IRAN leader Mossadegh is arrested and charged with treason. And the previous leader of IRAN Mohammed Reza Pahlavi is re-installed by the U S. CIA and MI6. Reza reopens the oil fields to the United States and Britain.

What is The Deep State, Caroline Bessette Kennedy on Telegram Fri. 16 Aug. 2024




  • The Deep State consists of thousands of evil people in Hollywood, Politics, Banking, priests, the Vatican, CIA, news media and more. Most democrats are part of the Deep State.
  • The Deep State is based around p*dophilia, money, power and Satanism.
  • That was blunt and overwhelming, I know. If you’re new to Deep State Arrests in the world or Arrests and Executions of famous people, I suggest you research via duck duck go search engine; never use google (they hide a lot of info.)
  • I’ll give a little info on The Deep State for those new to this, before providing a video I found, released this week, by Michael Jaco, which answers some popular questions on Deep State arrests.
  • How Did the Deep State Start? Without making this a 50,000 word post, I’ll make it brief. The United States is not a country, it is a corporation. Washing DC is on foreign soil, which is run and owned by the Vatican and Britain.
  • I have read, in many places, the US Constitution as we know it, expired in 1999, when the bankruptcy ended between the corporation of the United States and Britain.
  • You are an employee of the corrupt and fake country, The United States, which is run by the Federal Reserve banking system, which reports to the Rothschilds and Rockefeller families, along with the Vatican. These are the top Deep State members.

The White Hats: Guardians of Truth and Protectors of RFK Jr.

  • Around 2014, a pivotal moment occurred in the battle against the Deep State. The White Hats, a covert military alliance committed to dismantling the corrupt power structures that have long dominated global affairs, presented RFK Jr. with a choice. He could either join their operations to expose and defeat the Deep State or continue to be a passive player in a game that had already claimed the lives of many in his family. RFK Jr. chose the former, aligning himself with those who sought to reclaim not just his family’s name but the future of the nation itself.
  • But why hasn’t the Deep State eliminated RFK Jr., given the threat he poses? The answer lies in the KILLSWITCH—a safeguard that ensures his protection. This KILLSWITCH is a complex mechanism, likely involving the release of damning information or the activation of hidden assets if anything were to happen to him. It is a powerful deterrent, one that keeps the Deep State at bay and allows RFK Jr. to continue his mission unimpeded.
  • The White Hats are not just protecting RFK Jr.; they are protecting his name, his legacy, for a very important reason. The Kennedy name carries with it a weight of history, a symbol of resistance against tyranny. By safeguarding RFK Jr., the White Hats are preserving that symbol, ensuring it remains a rallying point for those who seek to bring down the corrupt institutions that have long held sway over the world.

Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 Countdown to the US explosion begins after Biden’s failed trip to the Middle East, Ben Fulford

  • The fake US President Biden failed to get oil during his recent trip to the Middle East with his hand outstretched. This means that the countdown to the explosion of the United States and Western Europe has begun. The revolution is in the air, and there will be no turning back, numerous sources agree.
  • Biden’s handlers hoped to use Iran as an “enemy” to justify massive arms sales in exchange for oil. Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Washington, Remma bin Bandar al-Saud, summed up the opinion of the region, calling the “oil for security” paradigm “outdated and reductionist.” The absence of weapons for oil means the absence of oil for the United States and its client states. The absence of oil means the absence of economic activity.
  • Meanwhile, the Khazarian Mafia, like a dying beast, spits out fear p*rn, biological weapons and threats of war in a desperate attempt to prevent the inevitable. However, their medical mafia is systematically hunted down and killed, as this video shows.
  • Let’s now look at the real meaning of Biden’s visit to the Middle East. His inability to get permanent free oil in exchange for money printed out of nothing will have consequences far beyond the United States. This will mean the end of the BIS, the UN, the EU and perhaps even the papacy.
  • To understand why this is the case, we need to look through some background material. First, the BIS, or central bank of central banks, was founded in 1930 using Asian gold. This gold was lent to the Germans to help them fulfill their obligations under the Treaty of Versailles, signed at the end of the First World War. In return, the Asians were promised that the United Nations would be created as a world parliament with ancient royal families. East and West (family of dragons), acting as background overseers.
  • However, at the end of the Second World War, the victorious Allies broke their promise to spend the gold they were given on the development of the entire planet. Instead, their Marshall Plan developed only the countries they controlled (now known as the G7).
  • In retaliation, the Asians cut off any further access to their gold. When the U.S. ran out of gold, we had the “Nixon shock” of 1971. It was then that the dollar was separated from gold. Instead, the countries of the world had to buy oil for dollars.
  • It was a giant sugar high for the USA. The countries of the world had to have a trade surplus with the United States in order to buy oil. This has led to a strong dollar and free money for Americans. However, as a result, the US industry has lost its competitiveness, and more than 50 years of trade deficits have turned the US into the country with the largest debt in world history.
  • Then, finally, in 2008, the rest of the world decided to stop lending to the US, which led to the “Lehman shock”.
  • In any case, Obama’s ploy convinced Asians to hand over 700 tons of gold to the Federal Reserve Board under the leadership of Alan Greenspan. This was used more than a thousand times to create $23 trillion that allowed the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION to exist until 2020.
  • They also managed to get some funding for the US CORPORATION by promising to bring back Barack Obama with Joe Biden acting as his figurehead.
  • Now, as a result of the general disgust at the antics of the fake Biden regime, this money has been cut off. This is the prehistory of truly historical events that are unfolding before our eyes.

Must Watch Videos:

(Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.)

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Updates for the Week Prior:

Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 16, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 15, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 14, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 13, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 12, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 11, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 10, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 9, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


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