Tonawanda man arrested for child sex crimes, illegal firearms

On August 14, the Bureau of Criminal Investigation, stationed at SP Clarence, arrested John R. Yungbluth, 37, of Tonawanda, for possession of child pornography and illegal assault weapons.

The Bureau of Criminal Investigation executed a search warrant at Tonawanda’s residence and said it found more than 30 pieces of computer evidence that would be tested for child pornography, as well as 13 unregistered assault weapons that were unlawfully possessed. Detectives say there were more than 85 high-capacity ammunition feeding devices. Detectives say Yungbluth has a valid New York State Pistol License with multiple handguns registered to him, but he was found to be in possession of two handguns that were not registered in New York State. Yungbluth was arraigned and bail was set at $25,000 or $50,000 surety.

Yungbluth is charged with Criminal Possession of a Child (Class D Felony), Criminal Possession of a Weapon (1st Felony) (Possession of 10+ Assault Rifles) (Class B Felony), Criminal Possession of a Weapon (2nd Felony) (Possession of 2 Unregistered/Loaded Firearms) (Class C Felony), and Criminal Possession of a Weapon (3rd Felony) (Possession of a Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device) (Class D Felony).

The mission of the ICAC Task Force is to identify online individuals who attempt to solicit children for sex or who distribute child abuse material. The Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program (ICAC Program) helps state and local law enforcement agencies develop effective responses to technology-facilitated child sexual exploitation and Internet crimes against children.

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