US Elections: After I am elected, I will…….


Richard Mellor

Afscme Local 444, Retired



“Israeli attack kills 17 in southern Gaza” “Israeli attack in Lebanon kills 10”.

Two cups in the same day. The Zionists have gone completely mad, and their madness is being fueled by their equally mad partners in Congress, headed by Biden and Harris. Trump is mad too, but he is not so much a committed bourgeois like the old school. He is dangerous, opportunistic, a serial sexual predator; but a maverick. Who knows what he might do if he can get away with it; or what he will not do if he faces opposition.

Kamala Harris is the Democratic Party’s leading candidate for president in November. She says she won’t be silent on Gaza. Very nice of her.

But she is still the Vice President of the United States. She does not have to be silent now. Did she oppose Biden’s latest tranche of $25 billion in weapons for the Zionists? She should do so now and call for an end to spending American taxpayers’ money on feeding the apartheid monster and its genocidal war against Palestinians.

Anyone who has followed her opportunistic rise to the top knows better. But even though she has a conscience and some sympathy for the victims of the Israeli/American genocide in Palestine, she will not stop.

Why is that? Well, she is a bourgeois politician in one of the world’s dominant capitalist political parties and is the choice for president of the most powerful capitalist economy in the world. From her class perspective, the stakes are high.

If she wins, she will be the first black female president of the United States, the first Asian female president, and of course the first woman. If she were disabled in some way, like a cleft palate, she would be fine. She could be non-binary, which would be seen as an act of courage for liberals. A win for her would be a historic victory of great magnitude. And remember, she is driven, but not driven like Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Martin Luther King or others. They were committed, like so many revolutionary socialists like Rosa Luxemburg or national liberation heroes in the colonial world, Patrice Lumumba for example, to changing the system, a system based on exploitation and profit to a system based on need and cooperation between peoples.

Kamala Harris is a committed politician of the ruling class, a true citizen, just like Obama, Clinton, Bush, all of them.

And here at home the mood has changed, people are excited and some are relieved that the sexual predator and snake oil salesman will be defeated in the election arena, and by a woman; what a humiliation. At least we get a four year break.

While some will engage in politics that could lead to serious change and defeat for the two parties of capital that have dominated American political life for over a century, others will sit back and wait until the next time. When I think of those people, I think of how selfish that is, as workers around the world are being savaged by global capitalists, led by the US, regardless of which party is in power, and they want four years of relative peace, assuming you have a job, a home, and health insurance that pays something. The World Series will not be interrupted, or the Superbowl, or the Little League.

I feel sick when I listen to Harris and other American and Western politicians call the Hamas leadership animals, and brutal terrorists, and compliment them when the Zionists claim they have eliminated 17,000. Remember, the IDF has tanks and planes, the Palestinian resistance does not.

But whether you like them or not, whether you agree with them or not, the leaders of Hamas fought and died with their people. They died in a liberation struggle against a brutal, heavily armed occupying force. The man who replaces Ismail Haniyeh as leader of Hamas knows that he will probably die too. Haniyeh was killed by a rocket while attending an event in Tehran. He was tracked by his cell phone. The Zionists, with the help of the US, murdered his son, his grandchildren, and according to some accounts 90 members of his family.

The last five US presidents, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden, have avoided looking down the barrel of an enemy gun or risking being hit by a missile. There is no comparison to the dedication or respect demanded of those who die fighting for their people and their culture. Like the Zionist Israelis who fled Israel and were not used to facing a serious threat to their lives in the past. The American ruling elite would leave the US in a heartbeat if their lifestyle and positions were threatened. They praise the American revolutionary force that defeated the British colonial power, but they are nothing like them. Their praise is nothing more than a propaganda stunt.

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