PCC invests in app to improve police capacity to tackle online child sexual exploitation

Police Chief and Crime Commissioner John Campion has donated £30,000 to his force to develop an app to reduce the risk of young people becoming victims of online child sexual exploitation (CSE).

In 2023, His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Police and Fire and Rescue Services made a recommendation to all police forces to improve their ability to identify risks and focus resources on tackling CSE.

A PowerApp is currently being designed and built for West Mercia Police, which will enable a full system to be set up for reporting CSE, including cases where victims have been exploited online, and the actions taken by the police.

This information is passed directly to the PCC, Chief Officers, the Home Office and the National Crime Agency to identify risk factors and support prevention.

PCC John Campion said: “Child sexual exploitation is an appalling crime which continues to cause devastating damage to communities across West Mercia.

“By investing in tools like the PowerApp, all official agencies can play their part in ensuring that these heinous crimes are eradicated from our society and that immediate action is taken when CSE is reported.

“I am proud to have made this investment, which delivers on another of HMICFRS’s recommendations to ensure West Mercia Police continually improves its response to CSE.”

Chief Inspector Leanne Lowe said:

“We continue to do everything we can to tackle child sexual exploitation and it remains a top priority for West Mercia Police.

“We welcome tools that can help us build a picture of these crimes and help us bring perpetrators to justice.

“The PowerApp is a great example of how technological advancements can support policing.

“It is critical that we continue to work with our partners to keep communities safe. This is just one example of how we are effectively gathering information to better work together.”

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