Q’sDay August 17, 2024: Pulling the Rug Out From Under (videos) – Starship Earth: The Big Picture

How can anyone skip posting on Q’sday the 17th? It has to be done, even if it’s just to share a video or two.

Despite it being Saturday, things happen like any other day of the week, including a shooting at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas.

JUST IN: Security officers exchange gunfire with multiple active shooters at San Antonio Air Force base

There have been earthquakes all over Normandy, France with a magnitude of 4.0, 3 quakes in California in 9 days, a 7.2 near Kamchatka, Russia followed by a volcano, a 6.0 quake in Taiwan, and multiple “UFO” sightings in California and Israel. This was a beauty! Rainbow colored lights.

It’s dark in Lebanon. Link to Telegram.

Lebanon is now completely without power and is facing a blackout after the Zahrani power plant was shut down after running out of gas oil.

This power outage affects the entire country, including key services such as airports, ports, water systems and prisons.

What a Qincidence. You can’t make this stuff up, people. Trump AND JD Vance planes having to make emergency landings within a week?

Clif High has a video you might want to listen to. I haven’t listened yet, but I will soon.

We also received this beautiful update from Kerry K. She has important information for us about the evolutionary, energetic path we are walking on the way to Ascension.

You may be tired of hearing about the scamdemic redux and if so I am sorry but we may be on the brink of a new plandemic with people who need to know the truth. There is still some great information circulating so… below is an article from Shift frequency.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled on something we’ve been trying to tell you for years. The pharmaceutical companies abruptly changed the definition of the word “vaccine” so they could call their mRNA shots for COVID-19 vaccines.

The psychopaths are punished for their crimes.

Military Arrests NIH Director Monica Bertagnolli

FYI, I went to fill up my tank this morning and on my way home I passed three Circle K stations in a row with the yellow “out of service” wrappers on the nozzles of each pump — at least a dozen. I gave up and went to Fry’s so I could relax. Nothing can be taken for granted these days. Just saying.

While the Alliance eats away at the power of the Khazarian mafia like termites in a wooden house, we must stand tall and educate and encourage the masses. Humanity is so much stronger than it was seven years ago.

I wish you all a nice weekend. ~ BP

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