Citizens will soon hear how much money Jovanović’s “Padrini” team stole from the municipality

The coalition “For the future of Budva – Budva open city” announced that citizens will soon find out “how much money was taken from the municipality by the ‘Padrini’ team”, and who are the owners of the companies working for the municipality, “and which are connected to all clans and the most difficult forms of drug trafficking”.

The coalition responded to the statement “Budva is our city” by stating that the criminal gang “Padrini”, “whose political wing is the Jovanovic group, has taken money to bring signatures across the border to Spuž, write off tax debts and agree to conceptual projects”.

“Today we received once again the strongest possible confirmation in the form of the latest announcement from Nikola Jovanović and his clan ‘Budva our city’, which clearly shows that we must win the upcoming elections. Without your support we will not be able to achieve this. In recent months, Budva has fallen into a whirlwind of complete political and general decay, generated by the axis DPS – SDP – Nikola Jovanović and their groups, which seriously threatens the normal functioning of the municipality, the latest partner Nikola Jovanović and his list,” said this coalition, led by Mladen Mikijelj.

They stress that they have to be the best, because they want to send a clear signal that “theft, including the theft of other people’s mandates, is not worth it and what Nikola Jovanović did is unforgivable and shameful”.

“He has gone so far as to use the language of insults and the vocabulary of a street vendor to accuse us of treason, even though he is the one who shamelessly took over as many as five mandates, which is the biggest theft of mandates in the history of parliamentarism. We must send a message that it is wrong to be a chameleon. Released from the SNP, then go to the DNP, betray Milan Knežević when he was a political prisoner, try to take over the position of party chairman, then flirt with the PzP for a long time, return to the DNP again, without an agreement with the president, go to Budva where you present yourself as NSD and DF. It is wrong to create a new party for Milatović. It is inhuman to betray Milo Božović by barking and attacking his closest associates in order to become the chairman of the municipality by force, a whistleblower, everyone’s servant, now he wants to become the master and “He is nervous because he can’t,” this coalition emphasizes.

Citizens will soon have the chance to hear how much money has been taken from the council’s “Padrini” team, they add, and who are the owners of the companies working for the council and linked to the clans and the most serious drug trafficking crimes.

“They are in all clans because betrayal and treason are in their blood, like a political leader who changed five or six parties and in which they found the right measure. There is no business from which Jovanović’s Padrini team did not take money. From charging a commission for sending documents for signature in Spuž across the border, the commission for excluding land, writing off tax debt, non-compliance with the second-line procedure and permission for conceptual projects for buildings that is not given without the approval of Dragan Perović, a series of illegal actions whose number is unknown, is an additional source of money for campaigning and buying votes, in addition to money from cocaine trafficking. SDT already recognized the Padrini clans as a branch of the clans that planned the murders of MPs, the murders of DF officials during the Nikšić elections, paid and organized courtesy and DPS meetings on the one hand, and smuggling on the other. SDT has already “The prominent activists and financiers of ‘Budva, our city’ are called BIL. Some of them are in prison, some have already been convicted of serious crimes and are now directors, and Nikola Jovanović is a political exponent of a criminal group that tried to destroy the NSD and founded the group ‘Budva, our city’, known in the city as the ‘Padrini’ group, as the political wing of the criminal gang”, this coalition emphasizes.

They must, they stress, gain the utmost trust so that Budva becomes again a city with a clean, orderly city and a culture of heavy traffic, and not a city full of threats where part of the government controls smuggling channels and loan sharks.

“You must give us your hand and vote, so that the government will never again agree in secret places and in basements, in the organization of the mafia, all with the aim of governing the trio DPS – Nikola Jovanović – SDP. And not only the mafia of the Kavački clan, because it goes without saying that those who have stolen mandates and made excuses, both in politics and in life, always play a double game for every clan and every criminal on the principle of who gives more, and not that part of the government communicates with criminals at large and in prison, and that the campaign is led by the remnants of the police gang that has persecuted us for decades under the leadership of Ljubo Milović. This time we must create an alliance of truth and morality of transparency in order to break the ties of drug cartels, loan sharks and wild builders with a part of the municipal administration, led by Nikola Jovanović, who, unfortunately, in order to satisfy his insatiable passion for power lessons, sold his soul to the devil with a few “The tokens obtained from all the clans and various criminals,” he says. respond.

They add that “Budva is still controlled from Padrini, from warehouses, from drug caches and from wild and suspicious centres”.

“We must all, in as many numbers as possible, punish the one who publicly sent out a message a month ago that he would negotiate with the notorious DPS party, and tomorrow already claimed that what he said was a fabrication. Moreover, he has enough nerve to deny all this today and accuse us of treason, while he is the one who writes reports and makes fabricated accusations every day, both publicly and secretly. “We must say no to those who have never criticized their sister party SDP and who are increasingly less critical of DPS, with whom they wanted to form a coalition with all their might,” the response reads.

They also need, they add, to win again so that Budva becomes a city with a bright future, and not an ugly present, for everyone “except the group gathered around Nikola Jovanović with his official partners from the SDP and the desired ones from the DPS”.

“Therefore, I call on all citizens to explicitly say ‘no’ to Nikola Jovanović and his Zvicers, Drešajs, Delići, Milovićs and all those who worked diligently to form the DPS – Nikola Jovanović – SDP coalition. The only real reason why it didn’t happen is their escape and arrests. I call on citizens to take a good look at everything we did and how we behaved, because great deeds are important for every city, not false promises,” the response read.


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