Project 2025 could mean the return of Jim Crow.

( Project 2025 is a controversial policy initiative proposed by a coalition of conservative organizations. It has attracted a great deal of attention, especially during the current presidential election. Project 2025 is a comprehensive plan that aims to reshape America by implementing policies that align with right-wing ideologies. Some argue that the policies outlined in Project 2025 could have detrimental effects on the black community and produce results similar to the Jim Crow era. Comparing modern policy initiatives to the Jim Crow era, a period characterized by extreme racial segregation and disenfranchisement of African Americans, is a serious and weighty claim. However, there are some Jim Crow-like conditions in Project2025 pose serious concerns for the black community. When we examine the historical context of Jim Crow and then compare it to the current policies proposed by Project 2025, there are some alarming similarities.


The Jim Crow era, which lasted from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century, was characterized by state and local laws that enforced racial segregation, primarily in the Southern United States. These laws created economic, educational, and social disadvantages for African Americans. These included:

SegregationAfrican Americans were forced to use segregated public facilities, which were always of inferior quality, such as schools, libraries, water fountains, restrooms, swimming pools, and parks.

Disenfranchisement: Voting rights were severely restricted through literacy tests, poll taxes, and other discriminatory practices.

Economic marginalization:Limited access to quality education and employment left African Americans trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty.

Violence and intimidation:Lynchings and other forms of racial violence were used to maintain white supremacy and spread fear within the black community.

Project 2025 could mean the return of Jim Crow..


Education: Project 2025 cuts in public school funding would hit African American neighborhoods hardest and could worsen educational inequality. While school segregation is illegal, it could become de facto if resources are distributed unfairly.

Right to vote: Project 2025 includes measures such as stricter voter ID laws, reduced early voting, and voter roll purges, which could disproportionately affect African Americans. Such policies could echo Jim Crow-era disenfranchisement tactics by making it harder for black citizens to vote.

Economic policy: Project 2025 tax reforms and social service cuts that disproportionately benefit wealthy individuals and corporations could widen the economic divide and push Black Americans into lower socioeconomic positions.

Criminal Justice Reform: Project 2025 includes measures to increase policing and incarceration, cut funding for community-based alternatives, and eliminate initiatives aimed at addressing systemic racism in the justice system. This could lead to an even higher incarceration rate for African American men and further entrench racial disparities in the criminal justice system similar to the Jim Crow era. During Jim Crow, many African American men were arrested and convicted on trumped-up charges due to the “involuntary servitude” loophole in the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, so they could work in chain gangs building roads and bridges in the South and be hired to work on white farms. Project 2025 Criminal Justice Reform could mirror the unjust incarceration of Black men during the Jim Crow era, when the justice system was used to oppress the Black community.


Dismantling Civil Rights Protections: Project 2025 threatens to dismantle crucial civil rights protections established in the 1960s that have been instrumental in advancing economic opportunity for Black Americans.

Affirmative Action and DEI Programs: Project 2025 targets policies like affirmative action and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs. It directs the Department of Justice (DOJ) to focus on eliminating what it calls “anti-white racism.” This includes prosecuting organizations that implement affirmative action or DEI policies.

Perpetuating the Misconception of Reverse Racism: Project 2025 perpetuates a misconception: that any attempt at equality for minorities is “racism” against whites. Or “reverse Jim Crow,” where white men in particular are oppressed.

Cuts in public education funding: Project 2025 seeks to cut funding for public education and shift public funding to private and religious schools through school vouchers. This will severely harm the upward mobility of minority and poor children who rely on public education to have a better chance in life. Cutting funding for public education will also impact funding for HeadStart programs for low-income preschoolers.

Ending the Ministry of Education: Project 2025 aims to end the Department of Education. This will result in the elimination of federal programs for college, such as the Federal Pell Grants, grants from the U.S. federal government for students with severe financial need.

Health care: Project 2025 seeks to repeal the Affordable Care Act, cut Medicaid funding, and eliminate programs aimed at addressing health disparities among minorities. This could lead to decreased access to health care services and worsening health outcomes for African Americans.

Civil rights are at stake: Project 2025 includes proposals to dismantle affirmative action, weaken anti-discrimination laws, limit the enforcement powers of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and threaten to roll back progress on equal opportunity and employment equity.

Federal government staff: Project 2025 also proposed abolishing the federal civil service. This would disproportionately harm the black community, as it would leave many African Americans without middle-class government jobs.


It is essential to critically analyze policy proposals through the lens of historical injustices to ensure that we do not inadvertently replicate past injustices. Any policy initiative that results in disenfranchisement, economic marginalization, educational inequality, health care inequality, criminal justice discrimination, or disproportionate impacts on a community should be considered unjust.

The goal of any policy initiative should always be to advance equality, justice, and opportunity for all Americans, regardless of race. However, Project 2025 as outlined in the Heritage Foundation’s 920-page online conservative manifesto, whether intentional or accidental, if implemented, would have a devastating negative impact on the black community. It would undo most of the civil rights gains of the past 60 years and could see the return of Jim Crow.

Colleague; Doctor Robert J. Walker

RJW is a retired professor of Education. He is a prolific writer and the author of 12 Characteristics of an Effective Teacher.

You can contact him via; [email protected].

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