How Labour’s immigration agenda is just getting started…

As protests and riots spread across parts of the UK this month, immigration is once again at the top of the country’s political agenda.

The prime minister’s handling of the riots led politicians, including Boris Johnson, to brand Starmer “tone deaf” to immigration concerns.

The former Tory leader accused Starmer of giving “the clear impression of a man who has no plan to end illegal immigration because he simply doesn’t care”.

So, in just over a month in office, what are the new Prime Minister’s plans regarding immigration?

Boris Johnson and Keir Starmer

Boris Johnson says Keir Starmer is ‘tone deaf’ to public concerns about immigration


Almost immediately after Labour’s general election victory, Starmer announced that he would not continue the previous government’s policy of deporting asylum seekers to Rwanda.

He said: “The Rwandan project was dead and buried before it even started. It never had any deterrent effect.”

While Rishi Sunak promised to “stop the boats”, Labor made a different promise to the public: to “crush the criminal boat gangs”.

The Labor Party’s manifesto calls for the creation of a new Border Security Command that will include hundreds of specialist investigators, intelligence officers and cross-border police officers.

The government said the money saved by scrapping the Rwandan project would be used to fund the unit tasked with “pursuing, disrupting and arresting those responsible for this vile trade.”

However, Ben Brindle, a researcher at Oxford University’s Migration Observatory, said it was “unclear” how Labor would effectively deal with the ever-changing people-smuggling networks that operate Channel crossings.

The government has not yet planned to create new safe and legal routes for asylum seekers crossing the Channel in small boats.

Meanwhile, in August, Labor scrapped Michael Gove’s plans to introduce a “UK connection test” to limit social housing to those who have been residents for at least ten years.

The housing minister has officially abandoned plans that would have blocked newly arrived migrants from applying for social housing in England.

Dr Mike Jones, executive director of Migration Watch UK, said one in five social homes are occupied by a foreign national main tenant, almost half of them in London.

He said: “Labour has no intention of restricting legal immigration or changing the Human Rights Act to allow illegal immigrants to be deported.

“They also scrapped the ‘British homes for British workers’ policy, which would have given priority to people born in the UK.”

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper also announced in Parliament that the minimum income threshold for family visas would not be increased beyond the current figure of 29,000.

The minimum income threshold for family visas was originally scheduled to be raised to $34,500 by the end of 2024 and to $38,700 in 2025 under the Conservative government’s plans.

Yvette Cooper

Yvette Cooper has announced that the minimum income threshold for family visas will not be raised beyond the current figure of 29,000.



Cooper said: “Family immigration rules, including the minimum income requirement, must balance respect for family life while ensuring the UK’s economic well-being is maintained.

“To help us get the balance right and have a strong evidence base for any changes, I will task the MAC with reviewing the financial requirements of the family immigration rules.”

The government also has no plans to renew the terms of the Bibby Stockholm barge, which is housing asylum seekers off the Dorset coast, beyond January 2025 and will instead redirect funding towards processing asylum claims more quickly.

However, Yvette Cooper has made it clear that Labor will not reverse several existing Conservative immigration policies, including imposing restrictions on international students by limiting their ability to bring family members to the UK.

Measures will also be introduced to prevent care workers from bringing in dependents and the general salary threshold for skilled worker visa applications will be raised by 48%, from 26,200 to 38,700.

Employers will also be required to pay migrant workers the same as British workers in shortage occupations, replacing the shortage occupations list with a new immigrant wage list.




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