Argentine judge halts deforestation of Chaco forest in rare move

Argentine judge halts deforestation of Chaco forest in rare move

The Gran Chaco, the second largest forest in South America, is under siege. With deforestation rates exceeding 130 square miles per month (1), the dry forest, home to rich biodiversity and indigenous communities, is facing a looming threat. In a rare move, an Argentine judge has halted deforestation activities in the Chaco province, responding to a complaint filed by the Argentine Association of Environmental Lawyers (1).

The complaint, filed in July, accuses a “deforestation mafia” of exploiting the region’s natural resources through illegal land clearing and forest destruction (1). The mafia, allegedly backed by corrupt officials, has profited from the deforestation by clearing large swaths of land for agriculture and forestry activities (1).

The mafia’s influence extends to the Chaco provincial legislature, which in late April passed a law that rolled back environmental protections and allowed the logging of new forest areas (1). The law, which advocates claim allows the logging of native forests, poses a serious threat to indigenous territories, farming communities and endangered species such as the jaguar (1).

The lawyers, led by Enrique Viale, president of the Argentine Association of Environmental Lawyers, analyzed all land development permits issued in the past decade and compared the data with information about the owners of the developed land and their clients (1). Their research revealed a significant number of connections between government officials, forestry companies, and agribusinesses, highlighting the systemic nature of the problem.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, the government of the Chaco province has not yet responded to requests for comment (1). The legal battle against the deforestation mafia in the Gran Chaco is still ongoing, and the outcome is likely to have far-reaching consequences for the environment and communities in the region.

(1) InsideClimate News. (2024, June 8). Argentina: Complaint about deforestation in Gran Chaco Native Forest. Retrieved from

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