Wildy & Sons Ltd — The World’s Legal Bookshop Search Results for isbn: ‘9781509954261’

Transformations in Criminal Jurisdiction: Extraterritoriality and Enforcement

ISBN13: 9781509954261

To be Published: February 2025

Publisher: Hart Publishing

Country of Publication: UK

Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2023)

Can traditional approaches to territorial jurisdiction adapt to the new global reality? Leading experts in criminal law and internet law unite to address this fundamental question. They consider whether this can be done through the development of parallel concepts such as extraterritorial or universal jurisdiction, or whether the situation requires completely new kinds of approaches to criminal jurisdiction and transnational crime.

The book illuminates the way in which questions of jurisdiction are becoming increasingly important to the investigation, prosecution, and punishment of crime, as with the growth of technology and the internet many crimes no longer take place within neat national boundaries. Increasingly, criminal lawyers grapple with complex answers to apparently simple questions: – Where was the crime actually committed? – Which body has authority to investigate? – Which court has jurisdiction to hear the case and impose a sentence?

Part 1 looks at theoretical perspectives on criminal jurisdiction and how traditional jurisdictional concepts and understandings are being challenged, transformed, and reimagined in the era of the internet, cloud computing and social media. Part 2 homes in on the investigative powers of the state, to explore how these practical issues can inform the continuing transformation of current challenges.

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