Joseph Z #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #wingnut

Monday night’s edition of televangelist Kenneth Copeland’s FlashPoint program on Victory Channel focused on the selection of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as the Democratic nominee for vice president.

Guest Rick Green, a colleague of Christian nationalist historian David Barton, called Walz a “power-hungry tyrant” who is “perfect for the communist Democrats.” If Green was hoping that this would be the program’s most memorable line of attack, he was soon sorely disappointed.

That honor goes to “prophet” Joseph Z. Here is part of his response to his first question from host Gene Bailey, who asked if Z was encouraged or discouraged by what is happening in the country right now:

“I believe very clearly that the Spirit of the Lord is making a way for the body of Christ to go through this time. And you know, even when we bring guys like Tim Walz out and look at what’s happening, people say he’s, you know, a Midwesterner, I have another word for him, I’m from Minnesota myself, and it’s weird. That guy is just weird. You see the way he hugs his wife. You see the way he does everything. I believe the Spirit of the Lord is taking them beyond their reach. I believe he’s giving them a sense of confidence that’s actually going to be a surprising silver lining in this whole story. I believe the Spirit of the Lord is going to bring victory and breakthrough. And you know, it’s interesting how the spirit of the antichrist loves to pick these people that are going to fit right in with this evil overlord lizard mafia that’s really being controlled by their goblin masters. And when you look at this, I think that’s exactly what we’re dealing with now: a spirit of antichrist that wants to get his way.”



Us too! All this and more can be found at Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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