Modern Slavery Guidelines – Have Your Say

Modern slavery can take many forms, including human trafficking – where victims are transported between countries or within a country so that they can be exploited – as well as sexual exploitation, forced labour, domestic servitude and criminal exploitation.

Cases of modern slavery are often linked to organised crime groups and networks that target vulnerable people, including children and young people. Many victims are often unaware that they are in slavery or being exploited and are often targeted for reasons such as financial, social or health problems, or because of their age or immigration status.

Since the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) was established in 2009, the number of people identified as potential victims of modern slavery has risen steadily. Latest figures show that 17,004 potential victims of modern slavery were referred to the Home Office in 2023, demonstrating that the police and our partners are improving their ability to identify potential victims and that awareness of the reporting system is increasing.

However, these crimes can have a devastating impact on vulnerable people and communities. Add to this the links with organised crime networks and it is clear that much more needs to be done. Authorised Professional Practice (APP) is our official source of guidance, helping everyone in the police to deliver reliable and effective policing that reduces crime and keeps people safe. We have updated our Modern Slavery APP to include new legislation and what works to tackle modern slavery and prevent more vulnerable people from becoming victims.

The APP provides guidelines for:

  • Frontline workers: including the types of exploitation, how to recognise signs that someone is a victim and what measures should be taken to protect victims and support an effective investigation.
  • Investigators: how to protect vulnerable victims from further risk, how to design an evidence-based investigation into this complex type of crime and how to access regional and national support during your investigation.
  • Regulators: how to ensure that cases of modern slavery are investigated thoroughly and effectively by officers and staff with the appropriate skills and experience.
  • Senior leaders: how to put in place processes that support all officers and staff within their force to understand, prioritise and address the threat of modern slavery.

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