Lack of diversity is a strength

1724144973004086s.jpg Yeah we need a serious paper on the diversity mafia in Westoid countries. They want to bring this to a country whose people are the original inhabitants of East Asia. That’s genocide because I’m the original inhabitants of China. And diversity mobs want me replaced by aliens. I can’t think of any dumber shit in history, IGN wants to scam Game Science 7 million to bypass the journalism of the cruel diversity mobs. We’re just like “fuck off we don’t need these feminists and diversity crap because it’s a mythology.” Now they secretly hate us because we don’t play their games. Lol I’d say that as of today all diversity crap made in the West will never end up on my PCs because these mobs are so retarded. BTW God of War got an exemption from mob attacks because they can’t attack their masters. The true face of diversity today.

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