Report reveals rise in online child sexual exploitation and abuse

A new one report has revealed a worrying trend of emerging sexual exploitation and child abuse online in Kenya. The report released by Children’s Fund International Region Africa And African Child Policy Forum (ACPF) revealS That Kenya is a hotbed of sexual abuse of children between 12 and 17 years old.

According to the report, youp up to 13 percent ov 12 Unpleasant 17 year olds researched in Kenya were threatened or vilifiedto get in touchduring sexual activities online, to mark How deep the vice is take root with better access to technological tools and the internet.

The report syoursand other African couties where About a fifth of children under 17 have received unsolicited online requests to talk about sex or sexual acts.

“Ethe pervasive attitude thatline crimes are not real crimes has a atmosphere of virtual lawlessness,” sayExecutive Director of ACPFtower, Dr. Joan Nyanyuki. “Africa is witnessing a problem that is emerging strongly, and the evidence shows that Africa isay the new frontier is for online sexual predators.”

Even more alarming is theS the extremely young age of many victims of online sexual exploitationation and abusage. Although there are no studies show the scale of online child sexual exploitation and child abuseand about the follow-upNentA study found that more than 60 percent of universitiesidentified victims were young children, 65 percent of them girls.

Sir Chapterege Ngugi, Regional Director Africa at ChildFund i sayinadequate laws and services, including emerging technology-based surveillance And youThe developed digital forensic capacity has cincorporated a fertile ground for potential sex offenders“The key question for African countries is whether or not theyThey are sufficiently prepared to better protect and safeguard children online, Mr. Ngugi say.


Among the findings that emerged,n three nnew OSEAC policy notes from the two organisations is that youp to one third of children aged 12 to 17 in Ethiopia and Mozambiqueyou shared personal information with strangers online. 19 percent of children ared 9-17 in South Africa and 21 percent from 15-1 years7 in Ugandathat received unwanted online requests to talk about sex or sexual acts, it says. Up to 13 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds in Kenya and Mozambique were threatened or blackmailed into engaging in in sexual activityis online.

On average, seven percent of childrenshare shared sexualzed images of himself onlinewhile Oninth of 917-year-olds in South Africa and more than a quarter of 12-17 year-olds inIn Mozambique, after an online contact, a face-to-face meeting was heldT.

“The impact of sexual abuse and exploitation of children – or physical or online – is huge,” Dr. Nyanyuki said. “Children are being severely damaged physically, psychologically and physically and social. Victims of online child sexual exploitation and abuse often report experiencing feelings of anxiety, guilt and shame, loss off self-respectpost-traumatic stress disorder, substance and alcohol abuse, and depression.”

The policy briefings also include provide a detailed overview of the different types of OSEAC perpetrators and the channels they use use for their criminal activities.

“De factors who run OSEAC in Africa are very similar to the“There are other parts of the world,” Mr Ngugi added. “But Africa is the continent with the fastest growingwing number of internet users – a generally lawless space thatch encourages criminals to commit these crimes without fear of discovery and prosecution. We urgeTechnology companies must take decisive action to detect, report and quickly remove child abuse sexual abuse material from their platforms.”

The two organisations identify multiple criminal pathways to OSEAC in Africa, including the production, distributionion and possession of child pornography; online child grooming; sexting; sexual extortionof children (‘sextortion’); revenge pornography; commercialsexual exploitation; online child prostitutionon; and the live streaming of ssexual abuse.

“About Africa, different policy IMeasures have been designed and implemented to strengthen existing child protection systems.and better protect children online,” noted Mr Ngugi. “However, progress is still being hamperedred due to limited evidence and understanding of online ssexual abuse and exploitationn of children, lack of effective regulation and limited technological capabilities.”

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