Shocking increase in online sexual exploitation and child abuse

Shocking increase in online sexual exploitation and child abuse

By Soko Directory Team / Published on August 20, 2024 | 5:05 PM

Sexual harassment

A new report has revealed a worrying trend of increasing online child sexual exploitation and abuse in Kenya. The report released by ChildFund International Africa Region and Africa Child Policy Forum (ACPF) reveals that Kenya is a hotspot for sexual abuse of children between the ages of 12 and 17.

According to the report, a staggering 13 percent of young people surveyed in Kenya between the ages of 12 and 17 have been threatened or blackmailed into engaging in sexual activities online, underscoring how deeply the evil is taking root as technological tools and the internet become more accessible.

The report drew on research in other African countries, where about a fifth of children under 17 have received unsolicited online requests to talk about sex or sexual acts.

“The pervasive attitude that online crimes are not real crimes has created an atmosphere of virtual lawlessness,” said ACPF’s Executive Director, Dr Joan Nyanyuki. “Africa is witnessing a problem that is growing rapidly, and the evidence shows that Africa could be the new frontier for online sexual predators.”

Even more alarming is the extremely young age of many victims of online sexual exploitation and abuse. While there are no studies showing the extent of online child sexual exploitation and abuse on the continent, one study found that over 60 percent of unidentified victims were young children, 65 percent of whom were girls.

Mr Chege Ngugi, Africa Regional Director at ChildFund, says inadequate laws and services, including nascent technology-based surveillance and underdeveloped digital forensic capacity, have created a fertile ground for potential sex offenders. “The key question for African countries is whether they are prepared to provide greater protection and safeguarding for children online,” Mr Ngugi said.

Among the findings, outlined in three new OSEAC policy briefs from the two organizations, is that up to a third of children aged 12 to 17 in Ethiopia and Mozambique have shared personal information with strangers online. “19 percent of children aged 9 to 17 in South Africa and 21 percent of children aged 15 to 17 in Uganda have received unwanted online requests to talk about sex or sexual acts,” the report said. “Up to 13 percent of 12 to 17-year-olds in Kenya and Mozambique have been threatened or blackmailed into engaging in sexual activity online.”

On average, seven percent of children shared sexualised images of themselves online, while a third of 9- to 17-year-olds in South Africa and more than a quarter of 12- to 17-year-olds in Mozambique followed an online contact with a face-to-face meeting.

“The impact of child sexual abuse and exploitation – whether physical or online – is enormous,” said Dr. Nyanyuki. “Children are severely damaged physically, psychologically and socially. Victims of online child sexual exploitation and abuse often report experiencing feelings of fear, guilt and shame, loss of self-esteem, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance and alcohol abuse and depression.”

The policy briefings also detail the different types of OSEAC perpetrators and the channels they use to conduct their criminal activities.

“The factors driving OSEAC in Africa are very similar to those in other parts of the world,” Mr. Ngugi added. “But Africa is the continent with the fastest growing number of internet users – a generally lawless space that encourages criminals to commit these crimes without fear of detection and prosecution. We urge technology companies to take decisive action in detecting, reporting and swiftly removing child abuse material from their platforms.”

The two organizations identify multiple criminal routes to OSEAC in Africa, including the production, distribution and possession of child pornography; online child grooming; sexting; child sexual extortion (‘sextortion’); revenge porn; commercial sexual exploitation; online child prostitution; and live streaming of sexual abuse.

“Across Africa, several policies have been designed and implemented to strengthen existing child protection systems and better protect children online,” Mr. Ngugi noted. “However, progress is still hampered by limited evidence and understanding of online child sexual abuse and exploitation, lack of effective regulation and limited technological capabilities.”

Read also: More than 40% of Kenyan women have experienced sexual violence from their partners

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