UK considers misogyny as extremist terrorism

Hate speech 2

The UK has lost its way. The government openly arrests citizens for speaking out against government policy. A simple statement or online post can lead to a prison sentence. It is illegal to speak out against the migrant crisis and now it is illegal to say anything that is considered misogynistic.

Racism and misogyny are born of hate and should of course be socially condemned, but by allowing the government to play judge and jury, you open Pandora’s box, because one entity controls the narrative. Is it racist to say you disagree with Shira’s law? Is it misogynistic and racist to say that white men are privileged and entitled? How about saying that Israel should not exist as a nation? Is it misogynistic that migrant gangs commit brutal sex crimes against women and young girls with no repercussions? Only the government has the power to arrest anyone it deems to be a rebel.

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper expressed outrage at the rise of the far-right, both “online and on the streets”, saying that “undermines the fabric of our communities and our democracyThe government plans to compile a kind of map of far-right extremism and misogyny to “identify gaps in existing policies that need to be addressed to crack down on those who promote harmful and hateful beliefs and violence.”


Home Secretary Jess Phillips said misogyny would be treated as an injustice. “any other extremist ideology.” Do you disagree with DEI recruitment? Do you wonder why biological males are pitted against women in sports? You’re no better than a Nazi or a Ku Klux Klan wizard. “This isn’t about criminalizing people who show signs of an ideology, it’s about preventing that ideology, and this piece of work that the Home Secretary has announced today is about looking at those gaps,” Phillips added.

These measures will not protect women. The whole premise of collecting data on those exercising their free speech is a useful tool for the government to stifle any dissent before it happens. It will make people look over their shoulders and think twice before they speak their mind. Worse still, it gives the government another reason to jail those who don’t play by the rules.


Do they know who they have allowed into their country? Germany was forced to create guides for these male refugees to explain that women are not toys, but human beings who must be respected. All of Europe imported millions of adult men from countries where women must completely hide in public or risk death. These countries prevent women from getting a higher education or having a life outside the home. Women in cities with a high number of refugees are afraid to walk alone because they could be attacked and the attacker will not be punished.

London was a safe place to raise a family when I lived there. What has happened in the UK and the Build Back Better countries was calculated and completely preventable. I warned that governments would become more tyrannical as we enter this private wave, while their grip on the public tightens. They have lost the trust of the public and must rule by decree. Remember my words: this is just the beginning of the downfall of Western governments. Slowly but surely they are turning everyone into a criminal. Soon “us versus them” will no longer be divided by politics, race, religion or gender – the day will come when the masses wake up and realize it is US versus government.

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