Here is an abbreviated list, and while it is, it is certainly not complete, as famous Jewish comedians such as Jack Benny, Phil Silvers, and Jerry Stiller are absent. Also notably absent are Jewish comedians of the “younger generation” such as Billy Crystal, Jerry Seinfeld, Jon Stewart, and Gilbert Gottfried.


Even more striking are the many non-Jewish comedians from the 20th century not mentioned above.

Of course, the raw, truthful George Carlin not only disappeared, he was murdered because of his strong, socially critical humor.

There are no great “WASP” comedians on the above list; they were all too brutally honest, as Carlin was and as Robin Williams, John Belushi, and Bill Hicks often were.

None of the most successful black comedians are pictured above—God no!!! Both Dick Gregory and Bill Cosby told so much truth about important issues that they had to be silenced (of course, Cosby himself was ensnared and trapped for decades by the Agency System). Likewise, some of the best black comedians were sent to an early death at the height of their careers, such as George Pryor, Patrice O’Neal, Charlie Murphy, and Bernie Mac. Of course, there have also been Jewish comedians who told the truth and died young or suspiciously at their peak, such as serial comedian and bomber Lenny Bruce (died at the age of 40), Andy Kaufman (died at age 35 and once did a sketch about a drug-addicted pharmacist), and SNL iconoclast Gilda Radner (died at age 42).

The main point here is that the most influential comedians always set the stage in a deliberately created infotainment society like the US. They decide what, AND WHO, can be laughed at, and what is strictly forbidden. That is why so many Polish jokes were told everywhere in the 50s and 60s. Many Eastern European Jews came from Poland and they really did not like the Poles. The Jewish Zionist curators of the Holocaust hoax (also known as the Holohoax and Holocaust Industry) even went so far as to establish 6 of the most notorious Nazi concentration camps in Poland — Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, and Majdanek — to ruin that country’s reputation forever, and to control them as they now fully control Germany. (By the way, those so-called “extermination camps” were actually labor camps, not death camps, and the Jewish community of doctors, lawyers, accountants, bankers, professors, gold dealers, diamond dealers, etc. in Europe did not like to work hard, or work at all.)

It boils down to this: “To know who rules over you, just find out who you are not allowed to criticize”. More importantly, look at who you are never allowed to tell a joke about. It has even been said that any joke about a Jew is “anti-Semitic.” Of course, any criticism of Israel is strictly forbidden anywhere on earth. Now you know who really rules over you!

What the hell is wrong with the US?!

Well, the US is the American Republic…the American citizens.

The real jokers were the Ashkenazi bankers who unconstitutionally set up the blatantly fraudulent Federal Reserve System to rob the United States of America of every penny they could get. Today the national debt is over $35 trillion and growing faster every year. (See the American Debt Clock.)

After getting away with that small crime wave in 1913, the Khazarian bankers were given the illegitimate authority to create worthless fiat money out of thin air, which they then used to operate their fractional reserve banking system. In this way, they fraudulently financed the entire American economy, so that all of the criminal Khazarian accomplices could mutually enrich themselves off the labor of the American people. This unjust enrichment took many forms, one of which was the illegitimate federal income tax.

Congress’s massive annual appropriations to the Department of Defense represent perhaps the greatest ongoing scam in world history. The Military-Industrial Complex, run by the Jewish Supermob headquartered in the criminal capital of Chicago, steals, extorts and embezzles hundreds of billions of dollars from the American people every year. The Ukraine war is just the latest example of their ongoing war strategy that predictably unleashes one “forever war” after another. Warmongering, spreading rumors of war and provoking wars of naked aggression are reliably used to keep the population on edge and willing to pay for their protection against both real and perceived foreign enemies.

Back to the bad joke: These same perpetrators quickly Worldwide Gambling Casino around the already existing New York Stock Exchange to get as many players (and suckers) in as possible. In this way they made sure that every vulnerable American was sufficiently invested in this scam. A real scam, because all the “smart money” resorted to criminal behavior from the beginning and made trillions through institutionalized insider trading that was done in the most covert way.

Then their closest associates in Hollywood began making movies set in New York City to portray it as the center of the universe. Given that the “Financial Masters of the Universe” live there (and in London), is it any wonder that it became the de facto capital of the Empire State, as New York State is called? Of course, the “Empire” is in fact an American-British empire that began with the British Empire, built by the same tribe of London bankers who migrated to Manhattan.

All the perpetrators at the top of this Planetary Pyramid Ponzi Scheme knew that they could only get away with such a multi-decade crime wave if they could count on a cohesive group of greedy gangsters who were willing to do and say anything to anyone, at any time about anything. This is how the Central Banking Cartel (e.g. Federal Reserve & Bank of England), the International Banking Crime Syndicate (World Bank, IMF & BIS) and Banking Crime Families (Rothschild & Rockefellers) were able to quickly establish themselves in all the major centers of power on Earth.

Throughout the centuries of diasporas, the necessary money changers and lenders, bankers and gangsters were strategically located around the world to connect the network at the push of a button. To illustrate, the utterly brutal Khazarian Mafia runs all other mafias in the world. In fact, the Khazarians have always controlled the Sicilian mafia, Corsican mafia, Russian mafia, Irish mafia, Yakuza of Japan, Triad of China, Milieu French mafia, Mafia Mexicana and their drug cartels, Galician clans of Spain, Lebanese mafia, etc. Therefore, every criminal activity of the Khazarian mafia is outsourced to all other mafias to do the real dirty work. In this way, they are put in a bad light, while no one ever knew that the most ruthless Khazarians were really pulling the strings of the highest mafia capital in Tel Aviv and Chicago.

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