Vapers Digest August 21 –

Wednesday’s news at a glance:

On nicotine, the European Commission’s selective transparency leads to flawed policy ~ New data shows e-cigarettes save lives and debunks opponents’ claims that vaping is a gateway to smoking Can the theory of youth vaping as a ‘gateway’ to smoking be shelved? ~ Pragmatic regulation is needed ~ CAPHRA campaign opposes bill ~ Smoke Free Sweden offers solutions ~ Swedish anti-smoking strategies offer a solution to EU’s flagging smoking figures ~ A seat at the table – Part 2 ~ Falling short | The truth about nicotine and its relative risk is being denied to the public ~ Will the pharmacy-only vaping model succeed? ~ Youth use of tobacco and vape products continues to decline among Maryland middle and high school students ~ Kenyan Senate asks for submission of memoranda for bill to amend tobacco and nicotine product regulations

Jesus Olivares-Guerrero, EuroReporter

In Brussels, a lack of transparency undermines confidence in policymaking and results in flawed policies. The handling of thelatest Eurobarometertobacco and nicotine research reveals a pattern of selective transparency. The research was delayed and buriedbut the unpublished data were used to support a Member State’s proposal to ban disposable cigarettes – a type of e-cigarette.

New data shows e-cigarettes save lives

and debunks opponents’ claims that vaping is a gateway to smoking

Michael Siegel, Tobacco Analysis

The claim by e-cigarette opponents that vaping is a gateway to smoking and increases the long-term risks of tobacco use has now been completely debunked by longitudinal trend data showing the opposite is true.

The results of a Gallup poll conducted last month showed that the prevalence of smoking among adults has reached an all-time low (11%) and that the decline in smoking has been largely driven by a dramatic drop in smoking among young adults. The prevalence of smoking among adults aged 18-29 was only 6%.

Can the theory that young people are vaping as a ‘gateway’ to smoking be dispelled?

Kiran Sidhu

The idea that vaping nicotine drives people to smoke, known as the “gateway” theory, is a common refrain among those who want to restrict access to vapes in the name of protecting youth, including some scientists. It persists despite overwhelming evidence that vaping is a “gateway” to smoking cessation for large numbers of people, and even though data from numerous countries show population-level correlations between increases in vaping and decreases in smoking among youth.


A look back at how things have developed or not…

Vapes better than patches

Dave Cross, Planet of the Vapes

New research from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), shows that vapes are better than patches at helping pregnant women quit smoking and reducing the risk of low birth weight.

Mark Butler’s Vaping Nightmare…

Only Getting Worse – Colin Mendelsohn

MARK BUTLER’S HARD TACKLE ON VAPING is fast becoming a disaster. Recent reports of tobacco and vape shop arson attacks in Victoria are an inevitable consequence of handing over control of vapes and tobacco to criminal networks and motorcycle gangs.

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