France adorns Abdellatif Hammouchi

The Official French Bulletin of Decorations, Medals and Rewards published a list of decorations, including Abdellatif Hammouchi, Head of the Directorate-General of National Security and the Directorate-General of Territorial Surveillance of Morocco (DGSN-DGST).

The French Ministry of the Interior has therefore issued an order in the French Official Gazette for the exceptional award of the Order of Honour of the Gold Class to Abdellatif Hammouchi, following a decision of 20 June 2024.

The decision to decorate Abdellatif Hammouchi, which was supported by French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, is a recognition of the exceptional role played by the Moroccan Director General of National Security in strengthening security cooperation between Morocco and France.after years of cooperation between the security services of the two countries. Hammouchi has recently played an important role in the exchange of information and coordination in the fight against terrorism and organized crime.

Abdellatif Hammouchi, Director General of the Dirección General de Seguridad Nacional (DGSN) and the Dirección General de Seguridad Territorial (DGST) of Marruecos - PHOTO/FILE
Abdellatif Hammouchi, Director General of the Directorate General of National Security (DGSN) and the Directorate General of Territorial Security (DGST) of Morocco – PHOTO/FILE

This award recognizes Abdellatif Hammouchi’s career in the field of security and defense, both in Morocco and internationally. thanks to the extensive cooperation of the Moroccan Kingdom in this area with many important countries on the international stage, such as the United States, Germany, Spain and France itself.

Morocco plays a key role in maintaining security and fighting terrorist groups and criminal gangs operating mainly in North Africa and the Sahel. areas of great unrest, where in many cases great international vigilance and cooperation are needed to prevent attacks and criminal acts. These can also have consequences for other areas in the world.

In this connection, Abdellatif Hammouchi is recognised for his great efficiency and important contribution to security cooperation. This is evident from the many meetings he has had with senior security officials from many countries to coordinate actions against terrorist groups and criminal gangs.

The head of security in the Moroccan kingdom has met with key figures such as William Burns, director of the US National Intelligence Agency (CIA), Lieutenant General Abdulaziz bin Mohammed al-Howairini, head of the Saudi security service, Abdullah bin Mohammed al-Khulaifi, head of the Qatari security service, and Eugenio Pereiro Blanco, the Spanish Commissioner General of Information, among other things.

<p>A special department of the Dirección General de Vigilancia Territorial de Marruecos (DGST) – AFP/FADEL SENNA </p>
<p>” src=””/><figcaption>A member of the special forces of the Moroccan Directorate General for Territorial Surveillance (DGST) – <strong>AFP/FADEL SENNA </strong></figcaption></figure>
<p>Now, <strong>From France comes the recognition of Abdellatif Hammouchi as one of the most prominent security figures on the national and international stage.</strong> It should be recalled that he also received the Gold Medal of Honor of the French National Police from the French authorities.</p>
<p>Indeed,<strong> Abdellatif Hammouchi’s work is highly valued and Morocco is seen as an essential partner in the field of protection and security. </strong>Morocco’s Director General of National Security visited France to strengthen security cooperation ahead of the recent 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, in order to address the terrorist threat that always accompanies major international events. </p>
<figure class=Abdellatif Hammouchi, Director General of the DGSN-DGST unit, visiting France, during a reunion with Fréderic Veaux, Director General of the Policía Nacional Francesa (DGPN), in Paris, on June 28, 2024 - PHOTO/CEDIDA
Abdellatif Hammouchi, Director General of the DGSN-DGST unit, on a working visit to France, following his meeting with Fréderic Veaux, Director General of the French National Police (DGPN), in Paris, June 28, 2024 – PHOTO/DELIVERED

Contacts on French soil focused on ways to cooperate in the fight against terrorism and organised crime, highlighting the importance of exchanging information and intelligence to counter extremist threats and transnational criminal networks. On this occasion, Abdellatif Hammouchi met the Director General of the French National Police, Frédéric Veaux, to discuss cooperation and coordination in various areas of security in the run-up to the Olympic Games.

The award received by Abdellatif Hammouchi is not the first of its kind for the Moroccan director general of national security. He has received several medals from other countries in recognition of his great efforts in the field of security and as a token of appreciation for his key role in strengthening security, not only in Morocco, but also at regional and global levels.

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