$5 Million Worth of Meth Disguised as Watermelons Seized


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One of the many jobs of Border Patrol agents is to stop drug smugglers who tend to be creative when it comes to hiding their shipments. This is evident in a massive haul of thousands of pounds of meth disguised as watermelons.

Everyone who watched The bad news know that the nature of methamphetamine production makes it much easier to produce yourself than drugs like cocaine and heroin, which require plants that only grow in certain parts of the world and therefore require a more complicated distribution process.

That being said, anyone who has watched The bad news also know that Mexican cartels still rely on methamphetamine as a major part of their drug trade. The men and women on the front lines for U.S. Customs and Border Protection continue to underscore that with the many seizures they are responsible for.

Earlier this month, agents at the Otay Mesa Commercial Facility in California seized more than $750,000 worth of methamphetamine smuggled in a shipment of celery. But this past weekend’s raid really put them out of their league.

According to a press release from the CPB, Border Patrol agents at the same checkpoint last Friday decided to further examine the contents of a truck that was reportedly transporting a shipment of watermelons from Mexico to the United States.

After inspecting the shipment, agents discovered “1,220 packages wrapped in paper, disguised as watermelon.” They then tested the contents and confirmed that the fake fruit was used to smuggle 4,587 pounds of methamphetamine with a street value of more than $5 million.

meth disguised as watermelons

US Customs and Border Protection

meth disguised as watermelons

US Customs and Border Protection

The 29-year-old driver of the truck has been detained and turned over to Homeland Security as part of an ongoing investigation. He is innocent until proven guilty, but I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes right now.

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