We’re expanding –thanks to YOU

Matt Goodwin’s Substack reaches over 45,500 subscribers in 164 countries worldwide, and thousands of paying supporters who help spread the word. Like what we’re doing? Become a paying supporter and get access to everything: the full archive, exclusive posts, polls, commenting, joining the debate, discounts and advance notice of events, and the knowledge that you’re supporting independent writers who aren’t afraid to go against the grain. You can also join our community on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter/X.

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Someone once told me that there are two kinds of people in the world. People who talk about making things happen. And people who actually make things happen.

This Substack, this community of nearly 50,000 like-minded people, is largely made up of the latter: concerned citizens who are deeply concerned about the current direction of Western states, who want to change course and see results.

That’s why we don’t just talk about things. We do things.

Over the past 18 months we have helped pass laws to protect free speech, influenced MPs, informed one or two prime ministers, challenged elite consensus and, most importantly, given people the feeling that there is actually someone in the national debate who is prepared to take the blows and stand up for them.

That’s why I’m excited to announce today that we’re taking the next step in our continued expansion.

With the help of our paying supporters and founders — the people who make this community possible, make our work possible, make our influence possible — we are now recruiting the first of what we hope will soon be several columnists.

And who did we hire?

James Esses.

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In case you don’t know, James Esses is a campaigner.

And a fighter.

Over the past few years, he has fearlessly exposed how radical gender ideology and corrosive identity politics are penetrating our institutions, our government services, our culture, and our way of life.

He has not been sitting still, like so many others.

He has stood up. He has stuck his head above the parapet. And he has taken the blows to spread the word and speak out for others — including our children.

To me, those are signs of character and courage.

James campaigns against issues such as puberty blockers and child mutilation through quack gender ideology, and exposes prejudice in our public institutions.

I have admired his work for some time now, I know what it takes to challenge the elite consensus on a daily basis, to keep standing up, to keep going.

And as you’ll see in the coming weeks, he’s getting results right here on this platform.

He has already influenced politicians, laws and given hope to thousands of people.

He has exposed the BBC, the Financial Times and John Lewis, among others, and has also taken on mental health professionals, which, more importantly, he has done successfully.

You may have read about him in The Times and other newspapers last weekend, which reported extensively on his latest victory.

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James also appears regularly on television, including GB News, and has written for the Mail, Telegraph, Spectator, Spiked and Critic.

He is a co-founder of Thoughtful Therapists, a group dedicated to challenging the ideological capture of mental health care.

And he has 125,000 followers on Twitter/X, which gives us a huge combined audience.

Before that, he was a criminal lawyer and specialized for many years in crime and criminal law in the public sector, including tackling child sexual abuse and exploitation.

These are just some of the reasons why I want him here, with us, to help us fight the political and cultural revolution that is upending and overturning many of the things we love and cherish.

Almost everything we write here goes viral online. As the team grows stronger, our impact and reach will only increase.

So if you want to support this, if you want to promote people like James and help us hire more people, now is the time to consider upgrading for 25% off.

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More supporters means more resources, which means more people and more impact.

It’s that simple.

And this is the future of Substack, by the way. Not people paying for one writer, but a collection of writers who have a coherent vision and similar goals.

So, as I say, we can all sit together and talk about what’s going wrong, or we can stand up and do something about it: expose the madness, influence policymakers, and gather a large following.

And I bet you’ll help us do something about it.

Best wishes

Matthew and James.

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Matt Goodwin’s Substack goes to over 45,500 subscribers in 164 countries, and thousands of paid supporters who make our work possible. Like what we do? Help us out by becoming a paid supporter and get access to everything: the full archive, exclusive posts, polls, commenting, joining the debate, discounts, advance notice of events, and the knowledge that you’re supporting indie writers who aren’t afraid to go against the grain. You can also join our community on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter/X.

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