Mexico protests US ambassador’s criticism of proposed justice reform

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico said Friday it is sending a diplomatic note protesting alleged U.S. interference after the U.S.…

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico said Friday it is sending a diplomatic note protesting perceived U.S. interference after the U.S. ambassador publicly criticized a proposed Mexican judicial overhaul that would see all judges run for election.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador called the remarks “disrespectful to our national sovereignty” and claimed it was an interference in Mexico’s internal affairs, adding: “I hope this won’t happen again.”

On Thursday, U.S. Ambassador Ken Salazar said the proposed changes pose a “risk” to Mexican democracy and threaten “the historic commercial relationship” between the two countries. Critics fear the constitutional changes are an attempt by López Obrador to weaken the independence of the judiciary.

The diplomatic note said the ambassador’s comments “represent an unacceptable interference, a violation of Mexican sovereignty.”

The proposal to require judges to run for office, which has not yet been approved, has drawn criticism from investors and financial institutions in recent days, as the Mexican peso has steadily fallen on currency markets.

On Tuesday, Morgan Stanley downgraded its recommendation for investments in Mexico, saying the revision would “increase risk.” Others, such as Citibanamex, warned that the proposal’s approval could lead to the “cancellation of liberal democracy.”

“Democracies cannot function without a strong, independent and uncorrupt judiciary,” Salazar told reporters. “Any judicial reform must have guarantees that the judiciary is strengthened, and not subject to political circumstances.”

He said the proposed revision would “help cartels and other bad actors take advantage of inexperienced judges with political motives” and “create turbulence” on the economic and political front for years to come.

The proposed reform has also led to strikes by federal court workers and judges in many parts of Mexico this week.

If the measures pass, virtually anyone with a law degree and a few years of experience as an attorney could become a judge through a popular vote. If too many candidates apply to run for judgeship, the final candidates would essentially be chosen by putting their names in a hat and drawing pictures.

Given the landslide election victories of López Obrador’s Morena party in June, academics, financial institutions and court workers say the changes could pave the way for courts to be packed with politically biased judges, a move that could give the ruling party control over all three branches of government and deal a blow to checks and balances, they warn.

The proposal must be approved by Mexico’s newly elected Congress, which takes office on September 1 with Morena and his allies holding a majority. The president’s six-year term runs until September 30, and President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum has also defended the proposal.

López Obrador, a populist who despises independent regulators, has long been at odds with the judiciary.

He claims that judges are part of a “mafia” opposed to him, and says the bill is aimed at cleaning up corruption. He has continued to rail against the justice system, defied court orders and clashed publicly with judges whose rulings he disagreed with.

Salazar said that eradicating corruption in the Mexican judiciary is not a bad idea, but he was deeply concerned about the prospect of judges being elected.

“The direct election of judges poses a risk to the functioning of Mexican democracy and the integration of the US, Mexican and Canadian economies,” Salazar said.

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