Methamphetamine shipment disguised as watermelons fails to fool U.S. border agents

Methamphetamine shipment disguised as watermelons fails to fool U.S. border agents


The drugs were hidden in colorful packaging that resembled watermelons.

U.S. border agents intercepted a truck carrying more than $5 million worth of methamphetamine hidden in a shipment of watermelons at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The drugs were wrapped in plastic painted two shades of green to resemble the fruit, and were placed among real watermelons.

The officers seized more than two tons of methamphetamine, divided into a total of 1,220 packages.

Hiding drugs among fruits and vegetables is a common way to smuggle illegal substances across the border. Banana shipments are the most popular, but agents have recently discovered narcotics in Gouda cheese and avocados.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials said their agents stopped a semi-trailer truck near the Mexico border in Otay Mesa.

Documents showed the driver was transporting a load of watermelons, but upon inspection the packages were found to contain methamphetamine.

Also known as methamphetamine, it is a powerful and highly addictive stimulant.


In total, border agents found 1,220 packages containing methamphetamine.

The driver was handed over to the internal security services.

The seizure came a week after authorities discovered nearly 300kg of methamphetamine in a shipment of celery at the same border post.

According to CBS News, the BBC’s American partner, the two seizures had a total value of $6 million.


Methamphetamine discovered in celery shipment by sniffer dog

Mexican drug cartels are the primary producers and suppliers of methamphetamine to the United States.

In February, Mexican security forces seized more than 40 tons of drugs in the largest laboratory discovered in recent years.

According to Mexican officials, the lab had more than 200 centrifuges, boilers and condensation chambers, essential equipment used to make the chemical.




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