I can’t get over the fact that the famous gangster Lucky Luciano…

not so-called:




can’t get over the fact that famous gangster Lucky Luciano said “Hey Lansky, seems like a big deal to get rid of all those Nazis, you want us to help you” and Meyer said “Left Russia because of pogroms and became a gangster in the US” Lansky said “No. No, beating up Nazis is reward enough for us. Sorry Lucky, this is personal, don’t worry about it”

here’s a quote from a New York Times article about this


also a bonus quote from that article


Everyone says “the government” hired these mafiosi to beat up Nazis, but no, no, that didn’t happen? Judge Nathan Perlman illegal called a guy who could have him shot at any moment and said, “Hey. I’ve been through the fucking law books trying to find a way to get these fucking Nazis out of here, but I’m out of legal resources, unfortunately. So-” and Meyer fucking Lansky was like, “Ah, don’t say that anymore, boss, let me call a couple of friends and we’ll get this over with quick. You don’t even have to pay me.”

Can you imagine that phone call? Seriously. How can I go on with my normal life knowing this happened? People who love talking about punching Nazis TAKE FUCKING NOTES

This is my favorite Meyer Lansky story.

My second favorite story about Meyer Lansky is about the time, many years later, he was at a meeting of mob bosses and one of them started bragging about how his son was following him into the family business.

Meyer Lansky said, “That’s nice. Mine son works for NASA.”

(via poppaeasabina)

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