damon503’s review of Hotel Cocaine

The show started off really slow. The first two episodes felt like a tv special. Bad script, bad direction, and bad acting, I was about to throw in the towel until the third episode. I slowly started to realize that the main character actually enjoys his new role as a business partner to his brother, the boss of the cartel, by murdering the enemies of the boss of the cartel in cold blood. Then the show gets even better when the older sister of the hotel owner, who is also the comic relief of the show and boy was this actor funny in this role, gets his sister murdered in a drive-by shooting because she was trying to do the right thing and follow the law. Funny how you add a few real violent murders and a show about cocaine and drug cartels starts to get really interesting.

I highly recommend this show to anyone interested in the history of this hotel as a hub for many people dying violently due to the real cocaine wars between the cartel factions. The hotel is real, but the story in this show is fiction. Fiction or not, I’m sure some of these stories have happened, who knows? Ultimately, it’s all about greed and power and figuring out a quick way to get rich quick and become an instant millionaire. It’s a universal story that everyone can relate to. Solid 7 stars from me.

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