Six extraordinary leaders recognized at CESE summit

At the 2024 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Global Summit, we were joined by so many incredible leaders and pioneers fighting to end sexual exploitation. It was such an honor to work, learn, and strategize with all of them.

We were especially pleased to present awards to six extraordinary individuals who have left an indelible mark on the movement and the world: Tricia Grant, Tanya Gould, Melinda Tankard Reist, Aaron Crowley, Chris McKenna, and Tim Estes.

Tricia Grant: Catalyst Prize

Tricia’s tireless dedication and groundbreaking work have significantly advanced the fight against human trafficking and exploitation in the United States.

Tricia was a key force behind the state of Maine passing the nation’s first Nordic Model prostitution reform legislation (increasingly referred to as the Survival Model). This critical piece of legislation provides support to survivors, recognizing them not as criminals, but as individuals in need of support and healing. It also increases penalties for those who cause the most harm: sex buyers and traffickers. This landmark Maine law sets a precedent, and we’re confident many more states will follow suit in the years to come.

In addition to this monumental work, Tricia has worked to prevent the full decriminalization of prostitution in the United States, particularly in the Northeast. Her efforts have been crucial in protecting vulnerable individuals from further exploitation.

Tricia Grant is the Executive Director of Just Love Worldwide and a state legislative advisor for NCOSE. She is also the founder and director of If there is only 1. As a survivor of domestic minor sex trafficking, Tricia has turned her experiences into powerful advocacy and mentorship. She teaches and mentors youth and adults, recommends safe houses across the country, and founded Maine’s first “John School,” which requires weeks of attendance, not just a few hours. Her deep connection with at-risk youth and her tireless efforts to educate a variety of professionals about the trauma that accompanies sexual abuse and trafficking have had a profound impact. Tricia exemplifies the power of resilience and the importance of speaking out.

We are pleased to honor Tricia Grant with the Catalyst Award for her tireless work and transformative contributions to the fight against human trafficking and prostitution.

Honorable Tanya Gould: Visionary Award

As a survivor, Hon. Tanya Gould has transformed her experience into a powerful force for good, uniting countless individuals and organizations in this vital movement. Her tireless efforts have strengthened policy, built stronger coalitions, and brought much-needed media and public attention to the problem of sexual exploitation, both here in Virginia and nationally.

Tanya’s visionary leadership is evident in her work with the Virginia Attorney General, her role on the President’s Advisory Council on Human Trafficking, and her previous involvement with international organizations such as the OSCE and the UN.

Her candidacy for state office in Virginia, her impactful film, Well maintainedher mentorship of other survivors and her unwavering commitment to systemic change are just a few examples of her remarkable contributions. Tanya’s big-picture thinking and proactive approach continue to inspire and guide us toward a future where human dignity is upheld and sexual exploitation is eradicated.

We honor Tanya Gould, this year’s Visionary Award winner, for her exceptional dedication, leadership and vision in the fight against human trafficking.

Melinda Tankard Travels: Global Impact Award

Melinda has been a leader in educating the world for decades about the connections between all forms of sexual abuse and exploitation, with a particular focus on the critical role pornography plays. She has been raising these issues long before many others in the movement were willing to even whisper about them.

As the founder of Collective Shout, Melinda has courageously challenged major corporations in Australia and around the world, leading to significant victories in the fight against sexual exploitation. Her efforts have forced companies like Etsy to stop selling sex dolls and pornography, and Pinterest to ban images that sexualize teens. Melinda’s relentless pursuit of stopping the normalization of sex trafficking and the commodification of women has had profound ripple effects around the world.

Melinda Tankard Reist is a prolific author, speaker, media commentator, and advocate for women and girls. She has addressed issues of sexualization, objectification, pornographic harm, sexual exploitation, human trafficking, and violence against women. Her writing includes six influential books and numerous media appearances that amplify her advocacy.

We are proud to honor Melinda Tankard Reist with the Global Impact Award for her tireless dedication, groundbreaking leadership, and transformative contributions to the fight against sexual exploitation.

Aaron Crowley: Championship Award

Aaron Crowley has spent countless hours educating NCOSE and others on the devious ways the porn industry operates, and helping us understand how interconnected these issues are. Sex trafficking, prostitution, pornography, and sexual violence are inseparable!

Aaron was fundamental to the movement’s profound shift in highlighting the public health harms of pornography, leading to the passage of resolutions in 14 states! He has also brought much-needed attention to the experiences of men and boys, and is a leading advocate for LGBTQ+ individuals at particular risk of sexual exploitation and abuse.

Over the past ten months, Aaron has participated in numerous meetings to educate members of Congress about the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). This is thankless work by his staff, which led to the recent passage of KOSA by the U.S. Senate.

Aaron Crowley is the author of Bought with a Price: A Gay Christian’s Memoirs from Porn Sets to LoveHe is also a father, husband, and screenwriter who has worked in Hollywood. His advocacy work is a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change in the fight against sexual exploitation.

It is with deep respect and admiration that we honor Aaron Crowley with the Champion Award for his exceptional advocacy, leadership, and unwavering commitment to justice and human dignity.

Chris McKenna: Child Safety Award

Chris McKenna is the founder of Protect Young Eyes and a man with boundless energy when it comes to fighting for the safety and protection of children. Chris has given so much to this movement, working tirelessly to support parents and help us navigate the challenges of the online world. With trends and dangers constantly changing, it can seem impossible to keep up. Yet Chris’ website offers up-to-date information on almost every app and device out there, with invaluable advice for both young people and parents.

His dedication doesn’t stop there. Chris takes the knowledge he’s gained from thousands of hours on these platforms and interacting with young people and parents and turns it into advocating for meaningful solutions. He works directly with Big Tech companies, pushing for accountability and minimum standards by passing good laws. His technical expertise has been instrumental in going toe-to-toe with well-funded lobbyists who oppose common sense measures like enabling built-in safety checks by default.

He applies his internet safety tips to his four wonderful children and is regularly featured on the news, radio, and podcasts for his research. His testimony before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in 2019 was the catalyst for bills and ongoing discussions that could revolutionize online child protection laws. The Protect Young Eyes team has given over 1,700 presentations at schools, churches, and nonprofits and was featured in the film Childhood 2.0.

We are thrilled to honor Chris McKenna with the Child Safety Award for his exceptional dedication, leadership and unwavering commitment to protecting our children.

Tim Estes: Trailblazer Award

Tim is a brilliant entrepreneur with a passion for building tools that do good in the world: a passion that began over 20 years ago when he founded his first company, Digital Reasoning. Their groundbreaking online surveillance technology, powered by machine learning, was used by law enforcement to spot human traffickers and their victims online. The software has helped identify thousands of victims, including children, across the country.

But after more than two decades in the industry, Tim knew that being reactive in the fight against exploitation wasn’t enough. He wanted to be proactive by creating an online space where kids could use technology and explore their curiosity, without being exposed to the dangers of the internet. So earlier this year, he launched Angel AI, an AI-powered browser that lets kids safely explore the online world through age-appropriate content and experiences. To date, the company has raised nearly $6 million in investor funding.

Tim’s dedication to advocating for a better tech world has also been a driving force behind the passage of the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) in the Senate and soon the House. His frequent trips to DC, talking to every senator who would listen, and his powerful writing have truly moved mountains.

Tim believes we have a duty to the world to use technology, especially AI, for the betterment of humanity. He envisions a future where all software learns in a way that builds the human race, rather than shaping or controlling it for the enrichment or empowerment of a few.

It is with great pleasure that we honor Tim Estes with the Trailblazer Award for his exceptional innovation, leadership and tireless dedication to using technology for good.

We are so grateful to these and all the other remarkable leaders who joined us at the 2024 CESE Summit! We look forward to continuing to work together, to build a world where everyone can live and love free from sexual abuse and exploitation.

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