Venezuela Rejects New Attempt to Revive ‘Lima Group’ – Orinoco Tribune – News and Opinions on Venezuela and Beyond

Venezuela rejected the interventionist declarations of the governments of the United States, Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay. These declarations violate international law and constitute unacceptable interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs.

In a statement released on Friday, August 23, by Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Yván Gil, it was said that the statements made by these countries aim to follow the example of the “infamous and failed Lima Group.”

The Venezuelan statement stressed that the aforementioned governments, with their interventionist actions, support and complicity the violent criminals who have attacked health centers, schools, universities, public transportation and national monuments, leaving a trail of death and destruction.

“Venezuela demands absolute respect for its sovereignty and independence, obtained through intense struggles against the most hostile empires that seek to lay their hands on natural resources that are not theirs and that today are again trying to impose a policy of regime change typical of the coups that the US empire has promoted for more than 100 years in Latin America and the Caribbean,” the statement said.

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Below is an unofficial translation of the full statement:

The creation of a new Lima Group and a new Guaidó is unacceptable!

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejects in the strongest terms the crude and brutal statements of the governments of Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, the United States, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay. They claim that, following the example of the unfortunate, failed and defeated Lima Group, they continue to violate international law by interfering in an unacceptable way in matters that concern Venezuelans alone.

Venezuela demands absolute respect for its sovereignty and independence, which it has acquired through intense struggle against hostile powers that seek to seize natural resources that do not belong to it. Today, the country is once again trying to impose a policy of change of power typical of the coups that the US empire has promoted in Latin America and the Caribbean for more than 100 years.

These governments, by their positions, support the violent criminals who have attacked health centers, schools, universities, public transportation and national monuments, leaving a trail of people killed and injured by transnational criminal gangs hired for that purpose.

Just as the people of Simón Bolívar and Hugo Chávez in the past crushed the attacks of the defunct Lima Group and their attempt to impose a puppet government with the failed adventure of Juan Guaidó, this time they will crush all actions that try to impose another false government on the Venezuelan people.

History has shown that the fate of those who dare to attack the dignity of the Venezuelan people is nothing but contempt and international disgrace. This is immortalized in the popular saying: whoever interferes in Venezuela will fail!

Caracas, August 23, 2024

On Friday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro also condemned the interventionist statements of some governments in the region, adding that these countries “are trying to revive and re-establish the Lima Group.”

“These right-wing governments that want to revitalize and re-establish the Lima Group have gone to defend criminals and claim that there is political persecution,” he said at an official event at the Metrobus workshop in La Paz, Caracas. “What do you do with people who set fire to and destroy a subway station? Are they rewarded?”

“The people want justice, and there will be justice against all those responsible for the criminal violence in Venezuela on July 29, 30 and 31,” President Maduro stressed.

(Últimas Noticias) with Orinoco Tribune content

Translation: Orinoco Tribune


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