Trouble composing in Sicilian music style (Need help)

Hello, dear friends!

I need your help or suggestions please!

I started writing music for a mafia game and the client wants the style of Sicily/Italy of the last century. I listened a lot to music of this style and I bought NI Nylon Guitar especially for this project, because I liked the sound and it has tremolos typical for this kind of music.

Here are two versions I sent him. He said that this music will distract gamers, it should be more neutral – and I agreed with this point. But he also said that both tracks sound like an Armenian duduk is playing. (eh?!.. :eek:)

View attachment Mafia_Music_Day.wav

View attachment Mafia_Music_Night.wav

So then I sent him a more neutral version, which was pretty close to a reference track he sent first. He said it was closer to what he wanted, but it still sounded oriental! :ninja: I suspect this impression comes from NI Nylon Guitar tember?.. But which guitar library would fit then?

View attachment Mafia_Music_Background.wav

Now I feel completely stuck… I don’t know what to do next. And my self-confidence is going down fast. :not worth:

Do you have any suggestions on how I can get a taste of the Sicilian atmosphere?
Thank you for your time!

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