Realistic or Modern – 1940s Mafia Conspiracy in New York City (21+, MxF)

All characters and players involved must be 21+
Hi! I’m Archy, a 21 year old woman from Eastern Europe. I’m looking for a semi-lit RP partner to write a mafia romance plot with. Here are my writing preferences:

✍️ I write only in the third person, past tense. I generally write an average of 3 paragraphs per answer (each paragraph is 4-5 lines), but it can be as low as 2 and as high as 7, depending on my motivation.
✍️ I’m not looking for dirt.
✍️ I write both FxM/MxF and FxF, meaning this plot is MxF. No preference on the IRL gender of my partner, this is purely about the gender of the character.
✍️ I do enjoy OOC chatting! It helps me keep a vibe with the roleplay.
✍️ I am looking for a partner who can respond daily or half-day.
✍️ I paint historical settings, mainly with romantic and adventurous elements.

The plot is a romance between one of the underbosses of a mafia family and a female lawyer hired by the family in question; it is set in New York in the late 1940s, during the golden age of the mafia. Given that the lawyer not know about the family’s criminal involvement at the beginning, I think the plot would have a lot of drama, but I’m hoping to write some action and romance in there too! I’m planning on playing as the male character (the mafia), but if you REALLY want to, I can give playing as the female character a try. Here are some approaches I think we can use to get the roleplay started:

✨Your character is hired by the family for the first time, and given his relative youth, my character is assigned to interview him.
✨Or maybe your character has been working for the family for a few months (again, without knowing it’s a criminal organization) when my character comes back from WWII and is assigned to one of the criminal organizations or companies the family owns. In that case, he/she has to work with your character.

DISCLAIMER: I should note that while I have absolutely no violent tendencies or intolerant beliefs, given the time and place of the plot, themes of gun violence, drug use, gender or racial intolerance, and corruption are meant to be part of the plot, even if our characters aren’t directly involved. In other words, this is a pretty dark plot (though not for the sake of it, and I will the roleplay stop if my partner abuses the setting to act out violent or intolerant fantasies)

Again, feel free to message me if you’re interested!

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