‘Hema report is a wake-up call, not just for Kerala, but for the whole of India’

There is also talk of a criminal offense…

Beena: We don’t know.

Gayathri: We cannot expect knee-jerk reactions from the government to the recommendations in the report. The people involved in the so-called 15-member power group could be actors and they are exercising cultural influence on the society. We should give the government time instead of blaming it for inaction…

But after waiting four and a half years for the report…

Gayathri: I am not justifying the government. It is wrong to keep the report aside for four and a half years. The so-called power group may have exerted influence. But they alone are not the film industry. It is a sector in which lakhs of workers are involved. We should also listen to them. The government does not know all the aspects of the film industry. In such a scenario, they may get confused before taking a decision.

Beena: Absolutely, there are no excuses.

Will the WCC demand a police investigation?

Beena: No. Do you think we have the capacity for that? There is a government, there is a justice system, but when there are heinous crimes, someone should be held accountable.

So what is the WCC’s requirement?

Beena: We are going to come up with specific recommendations, we are going to talk to different associations and the government, we are trying to bring about changes of that nature.

The legal fraternity feels that action can be taken on the basis of the report under the PoSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) Act. What is your opinion?

Beena: Is it only for WCC to consider? It could be the government or the law department or the Women’s Commission or AMMA. It could be anyone.

Does the WCC have no plans to do this?

Beena: We are not there yet. We believe that if there are heinous crimes, there should be criminal measures.

It is pointed out that the entire industry is centered around a few people. The Hema Commission report speaks of a power structure that controls everything…

Beena: The Malayalam film industry does have a power structure. We have to understand that there is a lot of money involved.

Gayathri: We have to look at it from that perspective. We should not personalize it. We are not trying to protect anyone.

Beena: Exactly. Nobody is protecting anybody. But it is a lot of money, on a scale that is unimaginable in this industry. We are talking about an industry that is in the millions and generates much-needed revenue for the government. So it is not about one or two people. From the person who is giving money to the person who is making money, there is a whole connection that is almost incomprehensible. So to limit it to one or two people is not good.

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