Welcome to Starmer’s Britain, where ‘illegal’ immigrants must be referred to as ‘irregular’ – David Icke

Boris Johnson has written a stormy column for today’s Mail about the authoritarian tenor of Sir Keir Starmer’s government. This is how it begins:

For the first time I am seriously concerned about freedom of speech in this country.

I don’t just mean the crucial freedom for people to say things that they genuinely believe to be true. I mean the freedom to say things that are in fact true, but which the Labour government has decided are no longer acceptable.

Let me give you an example. We have a problem with criminal gangs who have been ferrying migrants in small boats across the English Channel for years. This practice is dangerous and hundreds of people, including children, have drowned.

The sight of these boats has enraged the British public, who cannot understand why it is not possible to end this trade in human lives.

They cannot understand why the British Border Force appear to have abandoned any attempt to protect Britain’s borders and are instead actively engaged in escorting these rowing boats and coracles to our shores.

Read more: Welcome to Starmer’s Britain, where ‘illegal’ immigrants must be referred to as ‘irregular’


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