Boris Johnson criticises Keir Starmer for turning Britain into an ‘Orwellian nightmare’ Politics News

Boris Johnson criticises Keir Starmer for turning Britain into an 'Orwellian nightmare' Politics News

Boris Johnson accuses Sir Keir Starmer of changing his language to cover up his inaction over the small boat crisis, while warning that Britain is sliding into an Orwellian nightmare.

In one piece The Daily MailThe former prime minister said the current government had decided it was “no longer acceptable” to highlight the scourge of criminal gangs organising dangerous journeys across the Channel to Britain.

He said: “Instead of stopping the gangs, Labour announced an amnesty for 100,000 people who were due to be deported – so they can now claim asylum in Britain and effectively stay here.”

Instead of tackling the problem, they seem to be changing the language in which it is discussed, such as no longer considering human trafficking across the Channel as illegal migration, he said.

Johnson, 60, praised Britain’s generosity in recent years to people fleeing Hong Kong, Afghanistan and Ukraine, but said Labour’s language cast them as a group of lawbreakers.

He argued: This is a moral and political disaster because it will lead to blind prejudice against all immigrants, legal or illegal.

“It is also a misuse of language. You could also say that thieves are no longer guilty of theft, but of ‘irregular’ racing, and that drunk drivers are guilty of ‘irregular’ driving.”

However, the term had already been used by Johnson’s own government, when former Immigration Minister Chris Phillips argued in parliament in 2019 for changes to immigration rules, arguing that they would end illegal immigration.

At the same time, Sir Keir has repeatedly raised concerns about illegal immigration across the border, including at the European Political Community summit in July.

Johnson also said Rwanda’s plan, which would have seen people identified by Britain as illegal immigrants or asylum seekers transferred to the East African country for processing, asylum and resettlement, “would undoubtedly have worked” if it had been implemented by the government. The policy would have remained in place.

The plan, put forward by the previous conservative government, was condemned by human rights groups and declared illegal by the Supreme Court.

In response, the then government introduced a bill to enshrine Rwanda in British law as a protected country. This bill instructed the courts to ignore key parts of the Human Rights Act and other British laws or international regulations.

After Labour came to power in July, the flight was cancelled before it had even taken off. Sir Keir said his government would tackle the problem by dismantling people-smuggling networks behind the border crossings.

Johnson, who will step down as prime minister in July 2022, ended his speech by arguing that Starmer’s Britain was a combination of Orwell’s dystopian 1949 novel 1984, and that its language of authoritarianism and mass control was a warning about the distortion of history.

Responding to his article, a Home Office spokesman said: “Boris Johnson is probably living in a parallel universe. This Rwandan ploy, rather than being a deterrent, will distract from the hard work needed to stop the dangerous small boat trade. It was cheating.”

“The Tories have spent 700 million to send back just 4 volunteers. It is strange that they think this is the answer when they have failed to carry out a single deportation in over 2 years. They failed and after the Rwanda Accord was signed 65,000 people arrived in small boats.

Instead of granting amnesty, the Labour government has increased its powers to deport people who have no right to be here. In the past six weeks, the government has monitored nine return flights of people who are in the country illegally.

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