Majora’s Masks Mafia (REGISTRATIONS) | Bulbagarden

1. All BMGf and TWR rules apply.

2. If you don’t post anything within 48 hours, I’ll give you an activity prod. If you don’t post anything for another 24 hours, I’ll be forced to unsubscribe you or unfortunately modkill you.

3. This game will be No Outside Contact (NOC), this means you can only talk about the game in this thread, no PM’s, Discord etc. (Unless stated otherwise)

4. The game has a cycle of 24 hours at night and 48 hours at night.

5. Do not abuse, if you are unsure about something PM me before posting anywhere else. You may tag me to say “Can we talk about ____” in a thread. If you try to do something you know is wrong you will be punished.

6. Do not quote anything in your Role PM, only paraphrase. Do not discuss win-cons.

7. Claiming roles and names is both allowed.

8. The game uses a standard voting system, meaning that whoever has the most votes at the end of the day is lynched, regardless of how many people voted.

9. Votes must be cast in the form of Voice: Name And Undo vote: Namethis makes it easier for me to find and is a bit neater to read in my opinion. A tie in votes results in a no-lynch. You can also vote for no-lynch as an option.

10. Most importantly, try to have fun!

Rules specific to this game:
11. The Mafia team is given a list of masks that are NOT in the game. Otherwise this is not public information. This allows for fake claims and also gives a bit of a fighting chance against a role-heavy Town side.

(This is an attempt at balance, but if it is a clear problem with signups, I am open to discussion about removing this rule)

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