Steve Bannon explains populism and why America needs a citizen-centered government, not a therapy session

Three years ago, the United States had a growing American populist movement. WarRoom host Steve Bannon has been an influential leader, delivering strong criticism of foolish government policies on a daily basis and reminding his viewers of the impact of these policies on ordinary citizens.

“The vast majority of the pressure exerted by illegal aliens comes from the Hispanic and African American communities,” Bannon said.

In the video below, he explains that companies, particularly those represented by entities like the Chamber of Commerce, are taking advantage of the influx of illegal workers, allowing them to pay less than market rates, avoid healthcare costs, and circumvent other financial obligations that normally apply to legal workers.

According to Bannon, this is a deliberate strategy to keep wages low and maximize profits at the expense of American citizens.

In the subsequent 2021 retrospective, Bannon argues that poor government financial policies disproportionately impact minority and lower-income communities, not just the “white kids” often cited in political rhetoric.

Bannon’s response to the claim he read at the beginning of the segment, namely that only white children are affected by these policies and that is why white people care, was as follows:

“Sir, you are terribly mistaken. These are not white children. These are Hispanics, African Americans, all the children in this country.”

By broadening the focus to all citizens, regardless of race, Bannon emphasizes that populism is about protecting and empowering every American, not just a select group, tribe, or race.

In the video, Bannon argues that the greatest burden of illegal immigration and other government failures falls on minority communities. He argues that these communities are hit hardest because they are often at the bottom of the economic spectrum, where competition from illegal immigrants is most intense.

Bannon argues that populism is colorblind and inclusive, and focused solely on the interests of American citizens.

“Populism is colorblind. It doesn’t care about your religion, gender, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation. This is what it cares about: it cares about being a citizen of this country,” he said.

By approaching the issue in this way, Bannon challenges both the left and right elites, who he argues use race to divide and distract the population from the economic exploitation their policies promote.

Additionally, Bannon points to economic indicators under the Trump administration to support his claims about the benefits of populist policies.

“Donald Trump saw the lowest unemployment among Hispanics, the lowest unemployment among African Americans, with wage increases, especially for people without a high school education — working class over white-collar,” Bannon noted.

Bannon said these achievements demonstrate that when government focuses on pro-citizen policies, all Americans, especially the working class, benefit.

According to Bannon, the populist movement is not about racial or cultural identity, but about economic justice and equal opportunity for all citizens. He urges his listeners to reject the false dichotomy of race and focus instead on the common problems facing American citizens, especially those most affected by government failure and the self-interested policies of the elite.

Bannon’s remarks underscore the need for a government that puts its citizens ahead of the interests of elites and corporate donors. He calls for a populist-nationalist movement that transcends race and identity politics and focuses instead on the economic and social needs of all Americans.

He believes that in this way a more inclusive, prosperous and fair society can be achieved, a society that works for the people rather than against them.

For more context, check out this flashback segment from 2021:

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