The Son Jung Woo Case and International Marriage


“Welcome to Video” was the largest child sexual exploitation marketplace discovered, with videos of sexual acts involving children, babies and toddlers. The site specifically requested users not to upload adult pornography.

The site’s owner, Son Jung Woo from South Korea, was arrested, along with hundreds of users, most of whom were also Korean. Interestingly, 40% of Korean users have not appeared in court, unlike users in Western countries who were severely prosecuted. (

During his second trial, Son Jung Woo married a Vietnamese woman, claiming that he had a family to support and therefore deserved a lighter sentence. After he was given an 18-month sentence, his wife annulled the marriage. This led to widespread anger, as many were furious that he received a lesser sentence based on the claim that he had a family to support. People believe that he only used his Southeast Asian wife to reduce his sentence. (

It is speculated that Son Jung Woo’s father made this marriage possible.

This speculation arose because Son Jung Woo’s mother is Vietnamese and his father previously worked as a marriage broker, arranging marriages between Korean men and foreign women.

Son Jung Woo’s father denies these claims and states that he stopped working as a marriage counselor years ago.

submitted by /u/Ok-Pumpkin-5130
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