The Librarian of Edora – 8Maria8 – 文豪ストレイドッグス

“Sara, I’ve been hearing people screaming since this morning, what’s going on?” Dazai asked his assistant in the library

“Oh, there are some guys trying to invade the city,” Sara said, shrugging.

Dazai blinked, impressed that someone wanted to conquer the peaceful city of Edora

“I’m going to take a break now Sara, take care of the library,” Dazai said as he grabbed his weapons from the cupboard

“Sure boss,” Sara said with a smile

Dazai walked out of the library and began shooting at the enemies he encountered, rendering them unable to fight or shoot.

“And what do we want to use this town for?” Chuuya asked his boss, who was standing in the central square overseeing the progress of making that small town part of the mafia.

“Elise asked for it because it’s beautiful,” Mori said, shrugging.

A bullet hit Mori’s shoulder, causing all the executives to look at the enemy who dared to shoot their boss

Mori. Departure. My. VillageDazai said as he pointed his gun at the mafia boss’s head

And in all his mafia glory was Osamu Dazai, a former demon prodigy, retired executive who had been unheard of since he left the Port Mafia years ago

“Dazai?!” Kouyou, Gin, Akutagawa, Hirotsu, Chuuya and Mori said at the same time

“I won’t repeat it twice, Ougai,” Dazai said as he looked at the man who had been his boss years ago

Mori’s power manifested itself and he looked at Osamu with a smile

“Nīsan, I finally found you,” Elise said, smiling at the adult

Dazai looked between Mori and the power with analytical eyes, thinking whether he should shoot the man again

“Rintaro is boring and you’ve been gone for so long, Q and I were bored. So we came looking for you” Elise said, waving innocently back and forth

Dazai sighed knowing this girl was playing games

“I gave you my number so you would call us, not so you would barge in,” Dazai said as he put the weapons away.

“Well, you’ve been gone so long, what else did you want me to do?” Elise said, crossing her arms. “Rintaro and the adults are boring, Chuuya doesn’t like us, and you’re the only one who plays with us.”

Dazai shook his head, he was tired of his little sister but also showed affection

Dazai looked at the owner of the fortune and said, “Send your men away and I’ll give you a tour and maybe a doctor for your shoulder.”

“Really?” Mori asked, doubting Dazai’s kindness

“Don’t make me regret it, Ougai,” Dazai said in a tone that implied that if Mori made a wrong move, he would be beheaded.

Mori quickly sent his men back to Yokahama, leaving only his trusted men and Dazai’s acquaintances with him

Dazai smiled as he saw people leaving their homes when they saw the enemies leaving

“Welcome, dear visitors, to the small town of Edora,” Dazai said with a smile as he opened his arms

The gangsters accompanied Dazai on his tour as he told things about his city and acted as a guide. When they passed a small hospital, they quickly healed Mori’s bullet wound and continued the tour until they reached a square

As everyone sat on the benches in the central square, everyone already knew many things and anecdotes about the city where Dazai lived during his childhood

In the square they enjoyed a delicious meal, sitting at specially set up tables. Dazai was in the middle of a story about the day he left the mafia, when the audience heard a “Mu!”

Dazai turned his head and smiled at the girl who greeted him from the other side of the square. The gangsters saw Dazai’s happy smile and how he said “Hey Hana” as he waved his hand to the girl and invited her to come closer.

The girl walked up to the table and introduced herself: “Hello, nice to meet you, I’m Hana”

Kouyou and Hirotsu seemed impressed, because Hana and Dazai were standing very close to each other. It was surprising to see that the boy refused any contact. The only person Dazai had touched was Chuuya. Dazai almost always sat on top of the redhead to disturb him, and Chuuya accepted that.

But Hana and Dazai sat comfortably next to each other and talked about things

“Your jealousy is obvious, dear,” Kouyou said as he looked at his little brother, who was staring at the kind girl

“I thought you would be in the library today,” Hana said to Dazai

“I let Sara have her way while I dealt with the people who invaded us,” Dazai told the girl

“Sara is my assistant in the library,” Dazai explained at the table

“Do you work in a library?” Gin asked curiously

“Yes, it’s a quiet job,” Dazai said, smiling at the girl

“Oh yeah, Samu took over the dilapidated library and did a fantastic job renovating it. Plus, he’s an excellent bookseller,” Hana said with a smile.

“You seem close to Dazai,” Akutagawa said

“We’re childhood friends,” Dazai said with a smile

“Yes, we reconnected when I helped him rebuild the library,” Hana said

“Her father is the one who trades the wood and Hana helped me a lot with the reconstructions, by the way, we used the time to catch up,” Dazai said as he pointed to his friend

“Oh, that’s nice,” Mori said with a smile

“Well, I’m going to leave you guys, I have to go back to Mrs. Josefa,” Hana said as she said goodbye to the group.

“She is the baker, she sometimes helps her in the afternoon because she likes the work,” Dazai explained.

“You two look very much alike,” Kouyou said

“Well, she’s my oldest friend,” Dazai said with a smile

“Is she your girlfriend then?” Elise asked

“Honey, as bi as I am, she’s not my type,” Dazai said, amused at his little sister’s question

“I just see her as a friend and it’s the same on her side,” Dazai told the girl

“Oh yeah,” Elise said, shrugging her shoulders but with a mischievous smile on her face

Dazai knew that smile well. “If you try to set me up with people again, I’ll go all the way to Yokahama and burn your My Little Pony collection.”

Elise gasped, offended, “I wasn’t planning on doing that.”

“That’s as big a lie as Ryu having eyebrows,” Dazai said, crossing his arms.

“And why are you dragging me into the fight?” Ryunosuke said with his arms crossed

“I’m sorry Ryu, but I know my sister and she’s a bitch who doesn’t follow Mabel’s ideology of “love is everywhere and if you feel like you’re not the ideal couple, FORCE IT!” Dazai said as he looked at his sister

“So you’re free?” Kouyou asked

“I’m a little young for you, honey,” Dazai said with a laugh.

“You know the question wasn’t for me,” Kouyou said as she remembered why she didn’t like this boy

“Well, if Chuuya is interested to know that I am free for a date tonight, specifically at 8 at Tina’s house,” Dazai said smiling at the man before a beep sounded

“Now if you’ll excuse me, the library is calling me,” Dazai said as he stood up from the table.

“Enjoy the city” The brown-haired man said hello

“Well, looks like we need to get started,” Mori said with a smile as he pulled out his wallet.

And so all the mafiosi went through the city looking for a suit, a hairdresser, a hotel and a flower shop

After preparing Chuuya for his date and leaving him at the designated restaurant, the gangsters went to enjoy the peace and quiet of the hotel

Chuuya entered the restaurant and sat down to wait for his partner at a table

Five minutes later Dazai arrived. “Sorry I’m late, did you have to wait long?”

“No, I just sat down,” Chuuya said as she handed him the bouquet of lilies

“Lilies, how beautiful, thank you Chuuya” Dazai said with a smile. “By the way, I have something for you too.”

Dazai grabbed a small box and handed it to Chuuya, who opened it and found a light blue earring inside

“Wow, it’s beautiful,” Chuuya said as she looked at the earring.

“And special,” Dazai said with a smile. “Remember when you told me that Arahabaki often wouldn’t stop in your head?”

“Yes,” Chuuya said, looking at Dazai without understanding where he was going.

“Well, thanks to some friends, we managed to channel my power into the earring and silence your god. You can still use your power. The technology we put in it ensures that the destructive waves only go to your brain and not your soul,” Dazai said with a smile.

Chuuya took the earring, removed the piercing in his right ear, and exchanged it for the earring Dazai had given him.

When Chuuya put it on, he noticed that the buzzing he always heard had subsided. His mind was calm and he could finally hear his thoughts without voices criticizing his choices or demanding that he destroy a car.

Chuuya looked at Dazai with a smile and said, “Can I kiss you?”

Dazai looked at him in surprise, he didn’t expect that question

“Oh, uh, yeah, I think you can,” Dazai said nervously

Chuuya had no need for him anymore and pulled him into a kiss

“Thank you,” Chuuya whispered as they both pulled apart

“You’re welcome,” Dazai said with a goofy smile on his face

And the two continued their date

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